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Business Model: Information based (Vortal)

Content: Short and brief. Content lacks editorial integrity.

Commerce: The website is to attract customers to the stores. The source of revenue is bricks and mortar stores. And it acts gateway for other distributors. It may be generating revenue through number of clicks to other distributors.

Customization: No online customization is provided by website to select designs or to select financing options.

Customer Relationship Management: Website provides contact information to customers. To request detailed information customer can fill a request form and get answer through email or phone. Website try to boost customer confidence by explaining business solutions to the customers.

Competition: Site is information based and there is no price transparency. Competition is intense because other businesses provide online transaction where as this site is information based only.

Corporate Governance: The company's governance is with support with the website.

Cost: The website is not heavily invested its simple information based.

Design: Eye catching design.

Product/Service mix: The website does not provide any products but consulting services are mentioned which can be accessed through brick and mortar stores. Hence Product and Service mix is not available online.

Target Market: Small businesses and other corporations.

Partnerships/Affiliates: It act as a vortal by delivering information of their affiliated partners in 8 different categories.

Pure Play/Brick and Motor: The source of revenue is brick and mortar stores and the site is information based.

Strengths: Contact information displayed up front on the home page. And highlight financing options ( benefit) on the home page as well.

Weaknesses: Non-consistent pattern among different pages. Same page is given different names on different pages. Non commerce driven site.

Opportunities: Strategies the website content to develop consistency.

Threats: Lack of online transactions fails to capture online market.

                                  Score: 5 out of 10





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