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In a perfect world, everyone would get a perfect score on this one. Sigh. So hey, if you've read the comics drawn and written by the brilliant and witty Jonathan Hoffman, give this quiz a shot. These questions are based on all issues in season 1 and 2. Here are the ratings: 0=B.B.B., 1=Bolt, 2=Flower, 3=Salesman, 4=Windwisp, 5=Rock, 6=Plant, 7=Smaller Fireball, 8=P.C., 9=Bubble, 10=Sheep 2000, 11=JH, 12=Star, 13=Raindrop, 14=Clone, 15=Fireball, 16=Gigawatt, 17=Turtlebot, 18=Snowflake, 19=Coby Thing, and 20=Cozmocloud.


Hall of Fame