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...~*::yOu'Re BuMpiN' tO... // ::*~...
...~*::WeLcOmE 2 mAi wOrLd::*~...


~*::mAi NaMe::*~ eLiZaBeTh MiLai HaRaDa YosHiKaWa

~*::gOt AIM?::*~ IM mEeH @ YosHiBaYbEe oR pLaYbOiBuNni8o8

~*::mAi FiRsT dAy oN eArTh::*~ MaY 24th, 1988

~*::SeX::*~ BaYbEe gUrL!

~*::wHeRe i sTaY::*~ Da 8o8 sTaTe!!! HeLL yAh BaYbEe!!!

~*::wUt i dO::*~ gO 2 sKu

~*::DaTiNg sTaTz::*~ TaKeN... bY a SeXi bOi nAmEd ZaK ;-)

~*::gUd @::*~ eVeRytHiNg!!! (nAh nAh... i'M juS pLaYiN'...) LoViN' mAi BaYbEe bOi... sLeePiN'... DaNciN'... HaViN' FuN'... sTicKiN' uP fO' wUtZ riTe... cRuiZiN... bEiN kRaZy... cHiLLiN wiT mAh fReNz... aNd jUs bEiN mEeH! :-D

~*::HoBbiEs::*~ sPeNdiN' TiMe wiT mAi BaYbEe... xAnGa(wut can i say? i'm addicted)... DaNciN'... SiNgiN'... mUsiC(ViOLiN, PiaNo, dRuMs)... sPoRtZ(BowLiN', SoFtBaLL, BaSeBaLL, FoOtBaLL, B-BaLL, SwiMmiN', KaRaTe, wReStLiN')... IM... etc...

~*::WeBsYtE::*~ cLiCkY dA LiNkY! :-D


~*::II mAi BaYbEe bOi::*~
HaPpY oNe mOnTh aNniVeRsArY BaYbEe!!!
i LuV yOoH sO mUcH... WeLcOmE hOmE... MiSs yOoH BaYbEe... gLaD tO hAvE yOoH BaCk... ;-) *mUaH!* TaKe CaRe oF yOuRseLf aNd i'LL sEe yOu sOoN... hOpEfuLLy... iF mY dAdDy sToPs bEiNg mEaN... :'( oHkiE dOkiE... ReMeMbEr... 26823... cUz i LuV yOoH sWeeTiE... aLwAiZ n 4eVa...

~*::RaNdOm sHiEt::*~
Message: 1) Starting time: 10:54:00 PM on 11/14/03 2) Full Name: Elizabeth Milai Harada Yoshikawa 3) Nicknames: Liz, Yoshi, Gangsta Bitch Barbie, Playboi Bunni, Shorty, Baybee, Sweetie, Eri-chan, Mirai-chan, Eriko-chan, Eh Stoopyd, etc... 4) School: Punahou School 5) Height: 5' 3" or 5' 4" 6) Eyes: Dark Brown 7) Hair: Black with Highlights... (used 2 b red but washed out...) 8) Tattoos: None 9) Ever been cheated on: Nope 10) Ever missed school because it was raining: Nope 11) You ever saw a stranded person on the freeway and kept driving? "hmm if i did id prob be laughing" <--- das glenn's answer but i think i cud concur... 12) Ever missed school to drink? Nope 13) Had an imaginary friend: "i dont think im that cracked out" <--- again i'ma use glenn's answer... 14) Ever wanted to hook up with a friend that already had a bf/gf? Yeah 15) Cried during a Flick: Probably 16) Ever thought of animated characters as hot? But of course ;-) 17) Ever at anytime owned a Michael jackson CD? I don't think so... 18) Ever called someone while you were drunk and started talking out of your @$$: Nope 19) Have you ever wanted to ditch a date after you saw what she/he looks like? Nope... i surround myself by beautiful people... lyk Sibbie ;-) 20) Sweetest thing you've done for the opposite sex: I don't know... you'd have to ask the opposite sex... -----------------FAVORITES------------------ 21) Shampoo: Whatever smells good and works... 22) Color: Black, White, Pink, Silver, 23) Favorite season: idk... i lyk all for diff reasons... 24) Online Site(s): Xanga, FRIENDSTER, angelfire, comedy central, etc... 25) do u like pajamas, teddys, or sweats: pjs :) 26) Like Anyone? Lots... all my frenz... 27) Who have you known the longest of your friends: carlyn... i've known her since preschool... 28) Who's the loudest friend you have: me? haha... and other people... but they take turns... *shrug* 29) Who's the shyest friend you have: idk... when i'm around... every1 is loud... i guess michelle inouye...? but i honestly dunno... 30) Who do you go to for advice: michael murray 31) Who do you hang out with the most: idk... i dun pay attention... 32) Cried: yeah 33) Been mean: yeah 34) Been sarcastic: yeah 35) Met someone new: yup... Sibbie :) 36) Talked to someone you have a crush on: yeah 37) Made a wish: yeah 38) Had sex: nope :-D 39) Hugged someone: das my way of sayin hi... lol... 40) Fought with your parent(s): starting to be all the time... :'( 41) Wished upon a star: i suppose a shooting star... 42) Laughed until you've cried: haha.. yeah... gud times... 43) Ever had a deep dark secret you would take to the grave with you? no... dun tink so... 44) Watched a sunrise/sunset: idk... prolly? maybe not... idk... maybe that's why i'm blind... 45) Went to the beach at night: not really 46) Had sex on the beach: nope... 47) Ever act out your fantasies: "just missing the partner" <--- haha glenn is hilarious... but idk wut fantasies i have so... *shrug* 48) Are you lonely: all the time... 49) Are you happy: sometimes... 50) Are you talking to someone online: yeah -----------DO YOU BELIEVE IN ----------- 51) Santa: of course... hehe 52) God/Devil: the devil yes... god... i'm not 2 sure about... 53) Love: idk... 54) The Closet Monster: um.. maybe? idk... 2 much shit in my closet... he must've moved... 55) Heaven/hell: hell yes... heaven maybe... 56) Superstitions: idk.. maybe... 57) The Toothfairy: haha... onli if i get money... 58) The Easter Bunny: idk... maybe... 59) Who named you: mommy i tink... 60) Would you give country music a try? if itz gud... 61)when was the last time you showered with someone: um... last month or maybe two months ago... 62) What was the last thing that you said when u were online: luv yooh... 63) Have you ever faked being the opposite sex while online? idk... if i have it was unintentional... 64) What was the last thing that you did today? watched a bug's life... 65)Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: paris... *shrug* wherever my spouse wants to go... 66)Are you popular? nope... far from it... i'm such a loser... 67) Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with: "the perfect girl" <--- i lyk glenn's answer... but a guy would work too... 68) How's the weather: bleak and rainy... 69) What did you do yesterday? school... hw... xanga... 70) Thing(s) that you find attractive about the opposite sex: eyes... smile... @$$... figure... genuineness... personality... charisma... 71) Thing(s) that you find unattractive about the opposite sex: fat... possesiveness... ugliness... weird guy crap... idk... 72) What are you doing tomorrow: dance... hw... spend time wit mah baybee... 73) All time favorite TV show: south park... 74) Dream car? toyota supra... honda S2000... '52 thunderbird hardtop convert... new beetle(hot pink chrome... spintek... black top convert... etc...) more but i'm tired... ask l8tah... 75) What do you want to be when you grow up: lawyer... 77) Favorite store: dunno 78) Favorite cologne: aqua di gio? idk... 79) Favorite perfume: love spell? idk... 80) Favorite food: yummi stuff... 81) Favorite day of the week: idk... sat? 82) Morning or night person: nocturnal 83) Favorite Month: idk... may? 84) Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: sometimes... 85) The most stupid thing u ever done: too many 86) First Son's name: wtf? mine? i don't have one... *shrug* (xavier :-D) 87) what is an ideal luvvy duvvy name for your bf/gf: "YOOOOBOOOOO" <--- hahaha glenn cracks me up... um... i dunno... wut kind of question is this? 88) First daughter's name: stop wit the questions... i dunno... geez... 89) Favorite drink: smirnoff ice? red wine? nah nah... i dunno water? haha... *shrug* lava flow... pina colada... idk... aite... 90) You like scary movies: not especially... 91) On the phone or in person: in person.. but either way works... 92) Lust or Love: love 93) If you could change something about yourself what would it be: idk... 94) Do you consider cheerleading a sport: NO 95) Do you have pets: yeah... 96)Who sent this survey to you: glenn 97)Do you have a friend you hate but act like you don't? um... no that's kinda 2 faced... i'm really blunt... 98) Do any of your friends annoy you? HELL YEAH 99)Do you want your friends to do this survey: nope save ur time 100)time finished: 11:33:00 PM on 11/14/03 god... i kept leaving to do shit... that's way 2 time consuiming... honestly do as glenn says and save your time... blah... *sigh* AiTeZ PpL i'Ma bOuNcE...
cHeCk oUt mAi xAnGa pAyGe AiTe?
oHkiE dOkie sMoKeY oAkEy...
LuV yOoH mUcHaS bUcHaS bUt i'LL cAtCh yOoH L8tAh...
xOxO HuGz n KiSsEs...
*mUaH!* ~*::Notorious L.I.Z.::*~

...~*::cHeCk oUt tHeSe bOmB @$$ SyTeZ!!!::*~...
**mAi xAnGa pAyGe**
**dOoSh @$$**
**SeXi TaHiTiAn bOi tOi**
**SuGi SuGi hOw yA gEt sO fLy???**
**gOt fReNz? gEt fRieNdSteR! LoOk mE uP-->(**