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I don't like to follow the pack, I like the road less traveled.



This page last updated onThursday April 10, 2003

Welcome to my Webpage!

Hey, thank you for visiting my webpage, please remember to sign the guestbook. Anyway, my name is John, and I was born in August of 1978. A little about me, I am a church boy that seeks to one day be a Youth Pastor. I am into fast cars, any kind will do, but I am partial to sport compacts. I drive a 1997 Eagle Talon TSi AWD named Natasha.

I study Martial Arts as well, styles I am partial to are Shotokan and Jujutsu. I am also a veteran of the world's finest Navy, as you will probably be able to tell by the pictures in my picture page. I was a communications/LAN geek that didn't get to have any fun, but was able to read about other people having fun.

I am the kind of goofy fun loving guy who can't sit still. I love kids, but don't have any. Don't smoke and I stay as clean cut as possible. I enjoy cheesy comedy as well as good culture and intellectual conversation.

Within this site...

We bring you the story of one of America's last great explorers and future actress. Hope Gevvers continues her quest for the elusive Monkeygoat. Read all about her latest finding in the dark regions of Ohio. Visit this page to read more.

For a more detailed list of links to pages within my site turn to my  Contents Page, there you can also find links to my favorite sites, friends' web pages and and just all around cool things to look at.

My What's New section is where I will update everybody as to my exciting life. You might want to save it in HTML format so that someday, a biography can be written about me.

Turn to John's Pics where you will find some pictures of just a few of the people I hold close to me, some of the most important people to me objected to having their picture on the internet, so you will have to ask me for their pictures.

A Word From Faith!

Ok, guys... everyone has pretty much let me know how I ROYALLY screwed up the whole webpage system thingy here.  But hey, as I said before I'm new to this whole thing and I'm doing my best. Besides, it wasn't my fault. What actually happened is that I was never given any security codes for the host service and apparently they thought I was some kind of terrorist out to discredit "The John". Well, I'm kind of exaggerating but it was something to do with security, so while I correct the problem completely and work out the bugs, the site is going to be on and off for a while. Sorry.

The good news is that for now, it's up and running. I'd like to give a shout out to everybody who has been kind enough to offer their input and advice, in kind or unkind terms (thanks Hope, you b****!), Lonnie and Mike, what would I do without you, the Smith twins, I love you guys, Jorge for rescuing me from ridicule and being beaten by my sisters for screwing up the webpage, I'm glad you're back even for a little while. And, John... don't despair, I'll get it right yet!

I have hope and Charity and a team of researchers working on new stories about John "The Monkeygoat Slayer" and his adventures in the land of the Yak Yak. I will also add a section for Hope to share her knowledge of the dreaded Monkeygoat so that people will be more informed as to its habits. Beware everyone, this creepy being is a killer!

Ok, guys, take care and I WILL be back...


Faith G.

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Last modified: 03/11/03