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If you are incapable of figuring out what I have done to this site, then you're legally blind. New layout, new format, new information, etc. Allow me to tell you how the navigation works seeing as things have changed somewhat.

The methods section is going to be the huge section that everyone will go to. Period. I don't see how it couldn't be. It contains various methods as to how to get individual trophies, how to start playing Outwar well, attacking strategies, hit strategies, and all sorts of other tips, methods, etc. that you could possibly see here. If it's about outwar, it's going to probably be here.

From there we go onto skills. I plan on making this section the most comprehensive skill section available, complete with information on every potential cost, recharge time, description, etc. for every skill. It will be massive, and therefore deserves it's own section.

Next up, the miscellaneous information. All of this information about Outwar will either be random things I think of, or random things you supply me with.

The Outwar links are links for doing miscellaneous things within Outwar, as well as links to various Outwar tip pages or other Outwar goodies. It's also the only place that has a link to my own outwar page (not a popup), should you wish to click it.

There you go, a full description of the site. Hope it works well for you. Oh yeah, one more thing. I planned on actually waiting until everything was done before I started this new site. However, I decided against that, and just decided to update the page as I work along.

