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Neurophobic President/Producer: Anthony Kopp
Productions Chris Zwolinski, Mike Trejo, Dave Hellenger
Chris Wolf, Jackie Kosarek
Upcoming Shows New Bands/Venues Street Team/E Mailing List

a music event creation/hosting/promoting company

    We work with venues throughout the suburbs of Chicagoland to create events that promote local bands and DJ's.  We have shows at studios, clubs, bars, warehouses, schools, banquet halls, hotels, community centers and more; basically anywhere that we can cram band equipment and a few hundred people into!!!  We do rock shows, instrumental shows, raves, dance shows, acoustic sets... etc.

Click the BOLD, UNDERLINED words:

If you are a BAND looking to get on our list as available for bookings contact us. To get onto our availability list you must set up an interview with one of our producers.  They will need to hear a live show or a demo cd/tape.  We will listen to anyone, but an interview does not imply that we will be able to book shows for everyone.

If you are a VENUE looking to fill a room contact us.  A producer will work with you to create the right type of show for your room based on genre of music preferred, room capacity, ages, municipality codes/restrictions etc..  We generally will pay you a fixed rate of rent for the space and sell tickets/promote the show ourselves.   We will also accept payment directly for our services if ticket sales are going to be handled by you.  Other financial aspect options will have to be negotiated between our producer and you directly.

If you are looking to become part of our STREET TEAM contact us.  Members of our "Street Team" are a vital part of our operation.  They help promote shows and recruit new bands, for a fee of course!!  Yes.. our "Street Team" members do get paid!!  For every 10 bands we pay an amount, and for every ticket sold we pay an amount.. and you get to walk around passing out flyers and meeting new people!! 

If you want to get onto our MAILING LIST for updates on local shows, give us your email address.  We promise we wont give out our list.  Promise.  We hate junk mail too!!

Upcoming Shows

Date Type Show Venue Town Map/Info
6/27/03 DJ/Rave Mad Hatter Bash Arabian Nights Willowbrook Click