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here i will soon show you about my movie idea! its going to be awesome! little by little ill create a little summary of the movie. hopefully, a movie producer will see this and love it.
every century a slayer is born. when there mature enough they will be given the legendary slayer sword. the slayer sword will give a slayer super human abilities like speed, agility, strength, and intelligence.not like a super hero, because he cant fly, shoot laser beams, nothing like that. slayers search for evil. now, this story is about a special and probably the most greatest slayer of all, gallock tann(pronounced galleck tan). ill give details about him later. now thousands of years ago there was a necklace called the namurudu jewel. it was used by kings and queens to transform into anything in order to escape from killers. after awhile, they thought that it was too dangerous and sent them away to burn them. all was dstroyed but one that jecht stole. up to this day he used the power of the namurudu jewel to destroy anything in his way. he is unstoppable now, but he wants something else, the slayer sword. he cant just steal it, because slayers have to be killed in order to take the sword. with the sword he will be the most powerful being in the universe.
send me an email if you have any questions like how slayers are picked who picks him how did jecht survive that long more coming soon!
