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A Website!!!!!!


This website was made to fulfill the life-long dream of completing this assignment for Computer Networking. This is my first attempt at making a website, and so I decided that using an editor would probably be a good idea. I used Microsoft FrontPage to help me create my masterpiece           (or a piece of something at least). I hope you enjoy!


Rounded Rectangular Callout: Hello, my name is Brandon Tomlin, and this is a website!

Ok, lets get the basics out of the way first. My name is Brandon Tomlin, I'm a first year student at UCSC. I was born and raised in Arcata, California which is way up north on the coast. I plan on majoring in Psychology, and maybe taking on a Theatre major as well. In my free time I like to play Ultimate Frisbee, go rock climbing, hang out at the beach, read, as well as many other things. I have never held a "real" job. By that I mean a job that require me to be taxed and pay social security and all that jazz. I have, for the past few summers, been a piano and drama teacher at a young children's arts academy in my area (its called Suzuki Academy). I feel like putting some random pictures onto my page so I will now do so!


Ok, moving on....... I guess its time to do some of the requirements for making a site well lets see.............AH HA!  I just checked the project page again and see that it is time to show off my academic record!

High school : I got a diploma saying that I graduated, in the end that's all that matter right?

College: So far this is how my first year of college has looked:

Fall 2002: Stevenson Core 80A, Introduction to Psychobiology, Race and Criminal Justice

Winter 2003: Stevenson Core 80B, Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Acting Studies

Spring 2003: Stevenson Core 80C (yeah its 3 quarters long!!!!), Intro to Computer Networking,

Intro to Developmental Psychology



Here's a link to the Introductory Psych Book in Cruz Cats


UCSC Ultimate Frisbee Team homepage

Sean Baby, a very funny man!

Download DJ Wawa's Techno Mixes

Last Modified 6/05/03