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Random Pictures

This is what Mango does during BCIS when she has nothing to do and has a computer that doesn't explode everytime she tries to go to a new web page.

I've got herpes so look at me!!!

Doesn't this look like a herpes commercial? In the next five seconds some really "sudductive" man/woman will start telling us about how they only get outbreaks of herpes once a day and only have to take a pill 20 times a day and how they are still living a normal life. "OOO...look at me!!! I have herpes and I can still play basketball even though who ever is playing with me and will be having sex with me later will probably get it from me! YAY!!!" (Just so you know, I'm not making fun of herpes or people with herpes. I'm making fun of the commercials for medicine for herpes. I'm sure herpes is a hella bad disease to have if there are so many retarded commercials for it.)

Guess the Image!!!

I honestly have no idea what this is supposed to be an image of. It's one of those super magnified images or something. Maybe if I actually knew what it was you could all try to guess it and I could laugh in your face when you were wrong. But unfourtunatly there won't be any laughing for Mango today. I'm just going to guess and say that it's a magnified image of a snot bubble. Can't you see it? I'm guessing that all the little circles are little germs or particles of snot. You can make your own guesses but I think we all know I nailed it right on the head.

Let's All Hate This Kid!!!

Ok...reasons we should all hate this kid: First of all, he's ugly. It hurts your eyes to even look at him. Clear evidence that his parents should've never mated because more than likely they were both ugly. Second of all, he symbolizes everything there is to hate about little kids. He's annoying and you can tell that if you told him that he'd immediatly start crying. Third of all, is it a boy or a girl? I mean, I've been referring to it as a "he" but I honestly don't know. Fourthly, well there is no fourthly. I just felt like saying fourthly. Fifthly, he's going to grow up. Which means we'll just have one more stoopid person who needs to be shot in the world. FIN.