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 ~ Magic Of Friendships Guild ~
.::You Can Always Tell A Real Friend, When You've Made A Fool Of Yourself, They Don't Feel You've Done A Permanent Job::.

To Other Stalker Pages


Welcome To The Guild

Guild News

Guild Events

 Guild Shops
And Members Shops

Suggestion Page

Non Members Please Read This Page

Collecting Shops




To Wyspers Pages


Guild Rules

Guild Points System

Guild Funds

Guild Members Points Total


To Neopets


Guild home page

Guild Message Board

Important Dates

Guild Members


Non Guild Sites


Help For Newbies


Hello There! And Welcome To Guild Website There Is 2 Sections To Our Guild Website There is Wyspers Guild Website And Stalkers Guild Website Please Feel Free To Check Out Both Sites



Things You WILL NOT Find Within These Guild Pages:

  1.  Any Answers To Daily Puzzles, Or How To Solve Games, Etc.

  2. Any Kind Of Cheat Code.

  3. Any Links To Scammers/Hackers Etc.

Members Cheating Will Not Be Tolerated


Just Remember When U Work Hard For What U Want And When U Get It U Will Feel Proud Of Your Self And U Will Appreciate What U Have Got All The More Than U Would Have If U Cheated

Thank You For Visiting Our Site I Hope To See U Back Here Soon