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The Messed Up Times

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Yes, the Messed Up Times is making a movie! Based on the intro to Lord of the Rings-Fellowship of the Ring. Filming has (hopefully) finished--remember the "Epic Battle"? Well, we are releasing the script to build anticipation so we can delay it in the future

Bush vs. Clinton Video


The Messed Up Times -- founded by Spencer C. in 2000 to keep his mind busy so he couldn't be considered clincally insane. A collection of Bush jokes, pictures that were found by someone with WAY too much free time on their hands, mockery articles, oh, and did I mention Bush jokes? Also, a new section of MUT (Messed Up Times) is videos.

Wow, just got back from the swimming trip in Mexico. HA! wasn't as fun as you'd think...FOUR HOURS OF SWIMMING A DAY. FOR A WEEK. Okay, time for me to stop complaining. I just updated, the script for Bush vs. Clinton is ready. Wow...I should write an article on how much (NOT) fun I had in Mexico. Wait, oh...I forgot, I'm a lazy ass, I'm not allowed to do actual WORK...
-- Webmaster Alex C.