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My 411

Ay babydolls! Thanx for visitng my page... keep checking back for new stuff! Oh and visit my site cuz it's pretty awesome lol .:. Some more about me: I'm a Sag :) My favorite colors are, purple, baby blue, and red,and I love orange soda and chinese! lol I listen to a lil' bit of everything when it comees to music but mostly its hip-hop, R&b, and rap for me. My all time FAVE movies are Save The Last Dance, and the all the Lion King movies. My past times include (but are not limited to) softball, hip-hop, tumbling, and shoppin, playin sportz, hangin out wit my friendz, going dancing, talkin on da phone, being stupid, havin fun, and most importantly breakin da rules!!! I'm from the westside of Jacksonville, Florida and I'm DAMN proud of it. lol .:. Things to Live by: "Do what you wanna do and say what you wanna say, becasue those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." and "The best things in life are unsen... that is why we close our eyes when we cry, kiss, and dream" .:. Those are the basics... to know me send me some love! xox 143 xox

My Favorite Web Sites

Angelfire - Free Home Pages*
Cute Poems*
Order Pizza Online*
My site*
