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Mega Man 2



______________________________________________________________________________________________ Mega Man defeated six Robot Masters and Dr. Wily. Disappointed that he lost against Mega Man, Dr. Wily decides to create eight of his own robots to counter Mega Man.




Mega Man's first game was decent, but it was Mega Man 2 that made the Blue Bomber an incredibly popular character. This game is considered the best in the series, as it had more improvments than any Mega Man game. This one introduced things such as Energy Tanks, Passwords, new Items and better stage layouts. This is also a great Mega Man game for beginners!




Play Control: ***

The play control is much like the first, though it appears that Mega Man doesn't slide around quite as much as before. A slight improvement to the controls I suppose.

Graphics: ****

One of the biggest improvments over the original is the graphics. The backgrounds actually have something rather than just a plain single color background. Many of the backgrounds animate also, unlike the first.

Animation: ****

Pretty much the same as the first game.

Music: *****

Some of the most memorible music is heard in this game.

Sound Effects: ***

Many of the sound Effects are the same as the original, but of course there are new ones for the robot master weapons.

Plot: ***

Like most sequels, this plot is just a revenge plot.

Difficulty: *** (Easy to Normal)

There are two Difficulty settings. Normal is pretty is easy, though I found the difficulty to be average when Difficult is selected/

Replay Value: *****

With new items, weapons, robot masters, Passwords and better stage layouts, you'll definitely want to come back and play more.

Polish: ****

Things like a code that allows mini birds to appear on screen when you select a robot master, Dr. Light contacting you and screen flashes when you select a robot master are interesting little features.

Overall: 92% (9.2 out of 10)

One of the best Mega Man games there is. It's great for beginners, and because it introduces so much that the first game left out, more experienced players will enjoy it also (Heck, any Mega Man fan would). I recommend it!


Suggested order


Like the first game, you have the freedom to choose any stage to play. This game has had so many recommended orders...I have two here, and found them both to be decent:

  • Metalman (Weapon: [M] Metal Blade. Weapon to use: Arm Cannon.)
  • Bubbleman (Weapon: [B] Bubble Lead. Weapon to use: Metal Blade)
  • Heatman (Weapon: [H] Atomic Fire. Weapon to use: Bubble Lead.)
  • Woodman (Weapon: [W] Leaf Shield. Weapon to use: fully charged Atomic Fire.)
  • Airman (Weapon: [A] Air Shooter. Weapon to use: Leaf Shield.)
  • Crashman (Weapon: [C] Crash Bomb. Weapon to use: Air Shooter)
  • Flashman (Weapon: [F] Flash Stopper. Weapon to use: Crash Bomb. Shoot bomb at a wall and let Flashman run into the explosion.)
  • Quickman (Weapon: [Q] Quick Boomerangs. Weapon to use: Flash Stopper to drain half of his energy, then finish him off with the Arm Cannon)







    Power-Ups galore!

    Go to a stage with the birds (Airman, Crashman, etc.). Hit the mini birds with the Leaf shield and as long as you don't move, energy pellets and 1-ups will constantly appear for you to collect.


    Press and hold the A button as soon as you've selected a robot master. In the backgrounds, the stars will be replaced with miniture birds.


    Press the start button to open the sub-screen, then press start to close it. Notice Mega Man "teleports" back into the stage. Use this to make enemy shot go right through you.