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  A day in the life...

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Welcome to MY LIFE!!


HI!! My name is Maximus, and I've made my own webpage...well, it took me a lot longer to create than most mammals because I don't have opposable thumbs--so my friend helped me a lot. 

I'm not very creative, so I'll just post a bunch of pictures of me for now...

Also, send me some feedback by clicking on "Feedback" on the left menu, or signing my guestbook!  I'm learning "HTML for Doggies", so I'm still new at this...But check back here periodically for new updates!  And if you can think of something you want to see on this site, send me a line, and I'll try my best to get it done.


* My Personal Ad/Wish list has been added!  Check it out by accessing it from the "About Me" or the "Fun Junk" page. 
* New pictures have been added

* I've put a "forecast chart" for the visibility of MARS in both SJ, and LA.  Click HERE to go to the page with the charts.  Please take great pictures of the red planet, and send them to me!

* Some new pictures added

* Some "classics" as well as holiday pics have been added

And send me a dog snack in the mail every now and then...I love peanut butter!


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This site was last updated 03/19/2004, free web site submission and promotion to the search engines