The Roman Martyrology

February 2

Quarto Nonas Februarii.  Luna... The Second Day of February.  The... Day of the Moon.
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Announcement of any movable feasts

Purificatio beatæ Mariæ Virginis, quæ a Græcis Hypapante Domini appellatur. The Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, called by the Greeks the Hypapante (meeting) of the Lord.
Cæsareæ, in Palæstina, sancti Cornelii Centurionis, quem beatus Petrus Apostolus baptizavit, et apud præfatam urbem Episcopali sublimavit honore. At Caesarea in Palestine, St. Cornelius, a centurion, whom the blessed apostle Peter baptized, and raised to the episcopal dignity in that city.
Romæ, via Salaria, passio sancti Aproniani Commentariensis, qui, adhuc Gentilis, cum sanctum Sisinium e carcere educeret ut Laodicio Præfecto præsentaret, vocemque de cælo factam audiret: « Venite, benedicti Patris mei, percipite regnum, quod vobis paratum est a constitutione mundi », credens baptizatur, et postea, in confessione Domini, vitæ finem sententia capitali accepit. At Rome, on the Salarian Way, the passion of St. Apronian, a notary.  While he was yet a heathen, and was leading St. Sisinius out of prison to present him before the governor Laodicius, he head a voice from heaven saying: Come, ye blessed of my Father, possess the kingdom which I have prepared for you from the beginning of the world."  At once he believed, was baptized, and after confessing our Lord, received sentence of death.
Item Romæ sanctorum Martyrum Fortunati, Feliciani, Firmi et Cándidi. Also at Rome, the holy martyrs Fortunatus, Felician, Firmus and Candidus.
Aurelianis, in Gallia, sancti Flosculi Episcopi. At Orleans in France , the holy bishop Flosculus.
Cantuariæ, in Anglia, natalis sancti Laurentii Episcopi, qui, post sanctum Augustinum, eam Ecclesiam gubernavit, et Regem ipsum ad fidem convertit. At Canterbury in England, the birthday of St. Lawrence, bishop, who succeeded St. Augustine in the government of that church, and converted the king himself to the faith.
Prati, in Etruria, sanctæ Catharinæ de Ricciis, Virginis Florentinæ, ex Ordine Prædicatorum, ob cælestium donorum copiam insignis; quam Benedictus Decimus quartus, Pontifex Maximus, sanctarum Virginum fastis adscripsit. At Prati in Tuscany, St. Catherine de Ricci, a virgin of Florence, member of the Order of Preachers, famous for a plenitude of heavenly gifts.  Pope Benedict XIV placed her name on the roll of holy virgins.
Burdígalæ, in Gallia, sanctæ Joannæ de Léstonnac, Viduæ, Instituti Filiarum beatæ Virginis Mariæ Fundatricis, caritatis studio ac puellarum instituendarum cura insignis; quam Pius Papa Duodecimus Sanctarum numero accensuit. At Bordeaux in France, St. Joan de Lestonnac, widow, foundress of the Daughters of the blessed Virgin Mary, renowned for the practice of charity and the care of her girl pupils, and whom Pope Pius XII raised to the number of the saints.
Et alibi aliorum plurimorum sanctorum Martyrum et Confessorum, atque sanctarum Virginum.
R.  Deo grátias.
And elsewhere in divers places, many other holy martyrs, confessors, and holy virgins.
R.  Thanks be to God.

The continuation of the Office of Prime
Time after Epiphany

After Septuagesima