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  Welcome to my humble Bishonen shrine. Bishonen is Japanese for 'beautiful young boy', but in the Otaku world it has recently come to mean any character we find attractive or sexy. Now, some of the characters you find herein aren't technically Bishonen, but hey! I find 'em to be very attractive, and who doesn't like a lil' eye-candy, right?

  [currently the shrine is under construction, and may take some time. I will, however, be splitting the shrine into sections for each anime (since usually the anime has several bishonen characters in it), and working on them one at a time. The upcoming shrines and/or the ones I'm working on right now are to the left.]

  I'm thinking of more to add (I KNOW there's more than this!) and all these series may or may not make it up on the final Bishonen Shrine chart. Always check back to see the progress.