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Site © Lyra

Welcome to V:4 of Lyra's Lair, Panic. V:3 was A Kiss Goodnight, but I changed it because I think this layout feels more like me.
V:1 was spiKed, V:2 was Turquoise Waterfall.

The Diary

Right, so I got an account at Deviant Art - LyOsiris. So go look if you can be bothered. And I found an old story I wrote. I didn't know what to do with it, so I decided to upload it. There's not much I can say about why I uploaded it, but there you go. I haven't done much, maybe I'll write more later, so here's part of the first chapter for you: clicky
Ly scribbled @ 16:51, 19.12

Last night (or this morning) I was doing homework and didn't realise I wasn't breathing until I almost stabbed myself in the eye with my pen.
After that I went to bed and dreamt of fire.
I miss my matches.

Anyway. The past several weeks have flown past like a dream, like I wasn't even there. But I remember so many good things along with the bad things... I can't wait until Christmas. My first Yule celebtration, I'll need to buy supplies.
Stuff: P.O.D. - Sleeping Awake, bionic7 (I ADORE his work).
Algiz, Uruz, Ehwaz.
Ly scribbled @ 20:20, 5.12

Damn I posted a really long post, then deleted it all. oh well. New layout up! Can't remember what I said before except a bunch of stuff about schoolwork being the reason I've not been on here much. Anyway. Happy fireworks night, and please leave me a message on the TagBoard!
Ly scribbled @ 20:17, 5.11

Wow, I haven't posted for ages! And so much has happened I almost can't be bothered to tell you. I'll tell you some bits. Got IRC, and it's a lorra lorra fun. I suggest you get it too. And go on #weebl and #cooland! Erm... I did some coursework already ( because they thing it's a good idea to do masses of work at the start of the year and just do sod all for the rest of the term) and I have a minimum B grade in ICT GNVQ, which I am very happy with. That's the school news. In life, we got LOTR 2 on DVD, woo! So I've been watching that a lot, and... err... Ok, so maybe not much has happened. But life is fun :)
P.S. I added some more links for you.
Ly scribbled @ 18:07, 1.10

Charr dude, today was awesome!! First I lay in bed for hours not doing anything then I came and ate and watched TV ('Totally Spies!' hehe and the end of 'Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within', PS I want to download the song it plays at the end of it, what is it???) while everyone else went shopping, then they came home and I went upstairs and played Dynasty Warriors 4 which was amazing (Da Qiao is great!), then we ate and I came on here and realised we now have a whiteboard for Pucca!! How good! And Mimeh set it all up. Go teh Mimeh! So then everyone went out again to watch football, and then Mimeh gave me a lift to (code name alert) Mark's place (hang on I've gotta go eat... back! must go soon!) and he had a bouncy castle and it was the best time I've had in aaaaaages!!!!!!!! Wow... G2g, c ya!!
Ly scribbled @ 21:43, 6.8

Hey ho, I started school yesterday and the bad thing is that they offered me triple science (for GCSE's) but I didn't want ot do it so I just didnt, and now because of that they've messed up my timetable. All my science classes are recorded wrongly, so now I have to follow my friend about to the right class, goddammit. Stupid school, they mess up everything. *is angry* But on the good side, ICT is fun, because I like computers. That's the biggest reason. And maths, forgive me for saying this, is good! My first lesson went extremely well. I sat with all my friends (woo Mimi!!) and we did some fairly easy problems out of a book. Our teacher used to come into our old maths class to see if we were behaving, and she looked really strict and horrible, but she's actually really nice! But (aren't you getting tired of buts?) the class I'm in is an all-girl class. Apparently girls work better than boys (yahaaa!) so they thought they'd experiment with us. Like we're some stupid lab rats or something. Anyway, it looks ok. Wow, I've writen a lot. This reminds me of my secret diary... I put it on a floppy disk and now it won't load on this computer. I think the only place it will load is on my dad's laptop, but since he's the only one who usually goes on there I haven't had a chance to try it. Ah well.
Would you believe it, I'm still obsessed? You should see my desktop wallpaper. Actually, there's no reason why you can't. Wooo!!!!! There he is... I made that myself like a collage, so that's my excuse for it being messy and all. I would've neatened it up but I didn't want to edit it. My PSP has gone a bit strange so I didn't want to risk anything... Heh... Aaarrr....
I missed about 20 mins of tonight's Friends because I found this amazingly fun whiteboard thing to play with, which I am on right now. It's like the one you can start over messenger, except this one works. And it's a lot better! Try it! And sorry if it messes your computer up, like it did with some of my friends...

Oh, how I love him... Please don't forget to sign my Tag Board!!
Ly scribbled @ 21:28, 5.8

I must say, I now have some neat JavaScript in my 'Things To Do' page, thanks Violette Designs! Just click on the writing for more information, then click again to fold it back up. Nice!
Ly scribbled @ 15:28, 29.8

Okay, I've added to my 'To Do' page, and I can't wait to get started on that stuff. I'm going to try to get into the Return Of The King premier in london!
Been to Pucca lately? It doesn't matter. Go there again. Now. Now!! :p
Oh, also, go to our new annoying little challenge thing. It doesn't have a name. Yet. I'm actually not sure if we're going to give it one. But before you click on the link, prepare yourself! And only click it if you're sure you want to!
Ooh, a few days ago (and this is why I haven't written for a week) my dad randomly brought home a POTC game! I didn't even know there was one! At first it was weird because I wasn't used to it, but I started again and I'm doing a lot better. To start with it wasn't much like the film (what with there being no Jack *cries*) but then I was robbed by some unkillable pirates and then I saw the Black Pearl! I play Nathaniel Hawk, and lately I attacked a huge battleship with my barque (I would have died almost immediately but I somehow managed to board it) and I captured it! Now I am captain of the Dementra. I think that's what it's called. But I'm running out of money. I need to do some more quests. And How the hell can I get through the waterfall with all those skeletons and one archway?!?
Ly scribbled @ 13:54, 27.8

Oh, wow. Just... wow. I've seen POTC four times now. Still in love though. Aaahh... I think I'm now obsessed. Oh well. I like it.
I've decided to add a new page (finally) about what I want to do before I die. Should be up soon. Then you can help me achieve my goals.
Arr... *even more dreamy sigh* I'll be a pirate yet...
Ly scribbled @ 20:33, 20.8

Hehe, last night I found my family! Yo Peepers and Mistyjim!! Heehehe
I said I would do a shoutout to Muffin today, so I think I will. Hey Muffin! You're so cute!!! Oh, I might as well do one for Tilly as well. Hiya Tilly!!! But Muffin's more into computers than Tilly. Hehe, anonimity is fun! (wow, such a long word...) Hiya also to Hannah! *does a little wave* lol...
And guess what? I'm going to see POTC again tomorrow! *dreamy sigh* Aaahh... I found this list today and I couldn't agree more.

10 Reasons to Love Jack Sparrow

1. Those kohl-rimmed eyes
2. The gold teeth really grow on you
3. The foppish guise that masks true intelligence
4. His sharp, witty tongue
5. The way he follows the code (or doesn't follow it) in such a heroic way
6. His beaded dreads
7. He's extremely talented at drunken fencing
8. His heart is obviously romantic... somewhere... deep... deep down
9. He's part of that wild, mysterious breed that's so darn sexy
10. Honestly, he's dishonestly honest

I mean, wow, you can't really say it better than that can you??
Ly scribbled @ 21:28, 19.8

Wow, now I've seen POTC (Pirates of the caribbean) 3 times and I still love it! I'm seeing new things every time... But I still can't catch the reason why Jack's crew had a mutiny... Gibbs says it in a hard-to-hear voice, heh. Please tell me why on the tag board if you know!
Ooooh, last night was scary, we rented 4 movies: Jeepers Creepers, The Ring, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, and Jackass the Movie. During the first two I spent most of the time hiding, the bodies in the start of Jeepers Creepers freaked me out and also the absolute stupidity of those american teens annoyed me to hell. The Ring was fine until that first flash thing where you see Katie's face... Ooooh god it still haunts me. I hid every time the video played. Euurgha. I completely missed the ending though, I saw up to the bit where the girl turned into a skeleton in the well and the little boy said to Rachel that she shouldn't have done that. Then I saw something and looked away then there was lots of screaming and I didn't look back. He (the boy's dad) saw the TV turn on and fuzz then the phone rang but he didn't pick up, and Rachel was in the car phoning him and I hid again and there was a crash and scary music then Rachel got there and I think he was lying on the floor but I couldn't see properly because my hand was in the way. If you know what happened, PLEEEEAAAASE tell me on the tag board!!!!!!!! The people I watched it with wouldn't tell me!!! Ugh!! But the Romy&Michelle video was really good, and Jackass was better than I expected. Hehehe...
Oh god what happened to Samera (or whatever her name was) in The Ring...?? And that was a weird ending in Jeepers Creepers. And the song Jeepers Creepers really gets to me now. I was playing it back through my head all night. Dammit.
Ly scribbled @ 16:05, 18.8

Oh boy, I love Cap'n Jack Sparrow. Okay, maybe not. He's 'roguish yet charming' and damn nice. Well, nice isn't really the word, but you get my drift. ;-p
Pucca has forums, and I an currently engaging in a battle with Mimi. I am winning, needless to say. And I think I should tell you of a general revolution. I have posted my knowledge of the meaning of life on the Weebl & Bob forums, and here it is for all to see:

"i think you all have some very profound ideas as to what the meaning of life is, but my idea contradicts you all. it will make all other ideas obsolete, it will without doubt sway your opinions and it will put your mind at ease, for it is so complex, yet so simple. it is so well hidden, yet it is so plain to see.

in fact, after hearing my solution to life, you shall all become so envious that you didn't find out yourself that there will be mass disagreement. you shall become aware of the people around you, your competitors, your enemies, your friends, your family, and you will wage war on them all. so terrible this would be that i, as discoverer and one and only saviour, will have to keep the idea to myself so as to keep the world from total annihilation, therefore making me the peacemaker of the earth.

you may not believe what i have said, but rest assured, it will come.

there will be a time when i, or my child, or my child's child, or any person through my generation shall think the world ready to hear this astounding breakthrough, and then you shall know what it is that we devote our lives to.

but until then, enjoy your life."

Yes, I actually posted that. And I am not going to tell you. I'm not insane. I'm not.
Ly scribbled @ 18:48, 15.8

Whee, you'll be happy to know that I'm busy today and all weekend, and some time next week, or the week after, or... Anyway, the point is that I have proven you wrong (I'm guesing) about the fact that I have no friends. It's obvious that I do have friends otherwise I would be spending my entire holiday shopping for school supplies with my parents, or cleaning out the attic. Not that the attic needs cleaning, because we never use it. *ahem* Meanwhile, back in my life, I'm going back today to the Odeon to see Pirates of the Caribbean again (which has now officially taken the place of The Matrix as my favourite film ever), and I'm going to remember, this time, my 'one person gets in free' ticket (which I acquired by attending school (Ha to all you bunkers! I get fun! You get none!)). Wheeeee! I mean, arr! Ye best be leavin' me ship... I gots me some plunderin' to be doin'. (Dontcha just love Jack Sparrow???)
Ly scribbled @ 15:20, 14.8

And this will be my diary. Links to come, so don't bother clicking any under Navigation until they say something other than 'Link'. And now to let this site become a diary more than a task. But I don't do well with diaries. I have five or six lying about my house, some on disk, most on paper, one I have no idea of it's whereabouts. I hope because I'm on the computer a lot I'll have better luck with this one.
I wonder what the temperature is... Why don't I have a thermometer? More importantly, why don't computers have built-in thermometers? You can connect to the rest of the world without a wire but you can't find out how hot it is. You'd probably get too many bugs in the program if it was too hot. Bugs. Eugh. There are so many in this house that I have had to resort to putting a net over my window so as not to let them in, but so I can stay cool as well. I was reading something today and I stuck my arm out to lean on the window ledge, and I instinctively stopped and looked to see if there was anything alive already occupying that space. Man, bugs bug me.
Ly scribbled @ 21:02, 13.8

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