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Recent Decrees


Permanent Expelures


1.Loafers may not question their superiors unless they ask them first except for Critical Decision Unit also loafers may not change their job at will they must do as ordered.

2.The Loafer Law Agency may reject any and all laws, unless that law is proposed during an issued critical situation.

3.A critical situation may be issued if three out of four of the commanding loafers (general, loafers 1-3) vote on it. During a critical situation the commanding officers take absolute undenied control over all affairs except the critical decision unit which may advise the commanding officers in any way it wishes, although the critical decision unit may advise the leading loafers they do not have to accept this advice, however, even though the Loafer Law Agency is being commanded by the leading loafers, the leading loafers can not repeal the critical decision unit without there consent. This means that if a repeal of the critical decision unit is issued then it must be passed through the loafer law agency. Then and only then during a critical situation does the loafer law agency have any power what so ever.

4.Decrees apply to all loafers except for those who are exempt and they must follow them.

5.A decree may be issued or cancelled at any time if the issue passed the loafer law agency.

6.Only immediate decrees or decrees passed during a critical situation may be passed without the consent of the loafer law agency.

7.At any time a vote can be taken to repeal the loafer law agency and to appoint new officers. Votes to repeal the loafer law agency can only be issued if 3 out of 4 loafer leaders agree on it and the question to vote can not and may not be passed through the loafer law agency.

8.At any time if one of the leading loafers feels a loafer is not fit for his duties can pass a petition of removal to the loafer law agency.

9.At any time a certain department may be temporarily repealed if a question of repeal is sent through the loafer law agency.

10.No stealing, hurting, or making fun of other loafers without some sort of approval from the leading loafers.

11.If a loafer commits treason then he/she can be permanently expelled without the consent of loafer law agency.

12.Any member at any time maybe suspended or permanently expelled if a petition is passed through the loafer law agency

13.The leading loafers appoint all positions with no consent from the loafer law agency.

14.If one leading loafer is absent then the person with the number one spot on the critical decision unit takes his place. If two leading loafers are gone then both of the people on the critical decision unit take over their spots. If a third leading loafer is gone then no one takes his place. If all four leading loafers are gone then the two people on the critical decision unit become the leading loafers but they can make no decisions.


Private: Enlisted
Private first class (PFC): Enlisted

Corporal: Lowest rank for a noncommissioned officer (NCO)
Sergeant first class
Master sergeant
Sergeant major: Highest rank for a noncommissioned officer

Second lieutenant: Lowest rank for a commissioned officer
First lieutenant
Lieutenant colonel
Brigadier general
Major general
Lieutenant general

Non-Commisioned Ofiicers Page, Corporals and higher only!

Vocab Answers