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. . . Here's a few from the ladies

50 things guys wish girls knew? PLEASE - 50 things guys NEED to know . . . this is what's really going on in our heads

1)if you think you have a "move", you better keep trying

2)if i always call you by a nickname, it's because i don't know your real name

3)if i hooked up with you on saturday, don't expect me to say hi to you on monday on the way to class

4)if i DO say hi, your name is going to be mike. i don't care what your real name is, it's mike now

5)it's shaved already, how about you try some grooming . . . yea down there

6). . . and shave your face

7)if you leave clothing behind, it's now mine you're not getting it back ever

8)if you see me in that clothing, it doesn't mean i like you

9)if "it" was bad, don't ever count on hooking up with one of my friends, they already know

10)food is the way to my drunken heart

11)if i sound interested in the threesome you had, it's not that i want to try it, i want to know what skanks were involved . . . for your sake, i hope it was 2 girls

12)iron arm - let's get over that, i don't want to cuddle

13)the only girls that like getting donkeypunched are the punch-faced girls

14)if you get me a drink, it's on

15)i don't care how old you are, circumsize it FREAK!

16)don't sleep in my bed, you stink up the sheets

17)if you have a small penis, be embarrassed . . . all my friends will know in the morning, shorty

18)my boobs are not radio dials, do not treat them as such

19)if you don't see me in the morning, it's because you passed out and i left; if i stay over, it's because i passed out, i didn't want to stay

20)if all i ever hear about you are stories that you piss the bed, why do you THINK i won't stay over?

21)2 words: WORK OUT

22)3 more words: i faked it

23)if i hook up with you, it's not because you're good-looking, its a little phenomenon known as beer goggles

24)if you think i'm measuring it, i probably am - my hand is exactly 6.42 inches long, hope you make the cut!

25)if you bring me to an event where i'm expected to wear a dress, i expect ass later . . .p.s. i'm not wearing any underwear

26). . . and if i am, it's a thong

27)if i don't have sex with you, it's because i already slept with too many of your friends, but you'll make it to third base

28)you're not as good at anything as you think you are

29)don't POKE me with it

30)complaining about how you don't get any ass will get you no sympathy from us, there must be a reason

31)if i use a vibrator in front of you, i guess you couldn't complete the job

32)sweatpants: NOT attractive

33)when wearing dress pants, shirt, and tie, your chances of getting ass increase by 58%, it's scientifically proven

34)EXCEPTION: tapered leg pants decreases your chances by 82%, also scientifically proven

35)we're using a condom because i heard you're a dirty slut

36)be cautious, if i can steal something, i will

37)if my girlfriends have a nickname for you that starts with an adjective . . . its bad

38)i want nothing to do with your balls, all i ever hear is that they're hairy, sweaty, and itchy

39) . . . fix some of those problems and i'll rethink it

40)2 minute man . . haha . . be embarrassed

41)we analyze your walk: swagger = big dick, speedwalk = small dick; don't try to acquire a walk, we can tell real from fake

42)if the rhythm was off, don't cry about it to me 6 months later, i might still hook up with you

43)if i have to resort to using my teeth, you're taking too damn long and i want to leave

44)if you cheated on me and think you got away with it, too late, i already know and guess what? i did too

45)if you wear leather pants - you should have come out of the closet when they did

46)if you're pale and don't work out, NEVER EVER wear beaters

47)boys black out, we don't - yes i know all the things you said/did/tried

48)when you call at 3am i know what you're after, if i answer it i must be alone and want ass too

49)Scrub your fucking balls. And use soap. Sweaty nuts are rank.

50)if i give you head, you're not sleeping until the favor's returned, buddy.

. . . if any of these sound familiar, CONGRATS, i probably hooked up with you

Written by a few respectable Penn State ladies . . . if that helps your questioning mind

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50 things guys wish girls knew
