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Other grass eaters Are friend

Despite its cute appearance, Elephante are not completely harmless. They can fire objects from their trunk with amazing accuracy and a rampaging herd is very formidable indeed. Elephante and a great example of that is Pacha The Vet.
Tonu are native to the land of Tyrannia, hatching from the gigantic eggs of some unknown monster. They love nothing more than to charge around and cause havoc, knocking over whatever gets in their way
These dainty little creatures strolled in Neopia without any warning at all... its as if they came from another world.
Poogles were originally in the Northern province of Neopia. They may be cute and cuddly, but don't be fooled, these critters have extremely sharp teeth.
Jubjubs are very shy secretive creatures. They aren't aggressive, but they can defend themselves with their deafening screech when threatened.
The Chomby was found in the land of Tyrannia, a prehistoric kingdom miles beneath the surface of Neopia. It is a shy plant eater, and is happiest when munching on leaves and grasses.
Unis are vain little Neopians who oten spend hours preening themselves to look their best. They are very inquisitive but hate getting their hooves dirty.
Moehogs are Originally from the mountainous regions of Neopia where the were bred as livestock. They would carry items up and down the mountainside for lazy Skeiths until they decided to set up theirs own villages elsewhere. Young Moehogs enjoy having snorting contests to see which can create the biggest cloud of dust which makes the most noise.
The Zafara is an adventurous little Neopian. Treat them right and they will bring you lots of good luck.
Cybunnies live in the coldest regions of Neopia. their thick fur coats keep them warm, and they can easily disguise themselves amongst the snow. young Cybunnies love to frolic in the cool winter air and like nothing better than a good game of Snow Wars.