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We have made so many incredible memories together.. from the weekend of Assume the Position, the pre-party at Freak's - to the hotel - to the afterparty, getting booted because someone set off the sprinkler system.. all the way to you coming to visit me, getting fuct up at the bar [allergies] to all party weekends like - One Nation/Independance Night. We've had some CRAZY times together.. never forget it's always allergy season, "attempting to make it to Mayflowers to see Irene," driving through the Hartford Ghetto for some MickeyDee's, BLING BLING Restaurant, and all the other crazy times we have had!  Never forget Curtis' party, even though I forgot most of that night - "BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS BLISS!" Where's the terrible two-some going to take over next?
It's all your fault!  I'll never forget you IMing me on some random day, asking me if I was a party kid because you saw my profile months before that and had me on your buddy list. Then I went and picked you up at Hollywood video, we came back to my house, watched Groove, and it was all over after that. I'll never forget the fun we had - from *SMALL TYMAHS* - to our kandy making sessions, watching Groove to get psyched for the Salvation weeklies, hanging out at the big arena - and every other krazy thing we've done. You'll always be my partner in crime - my "brother from another mother" - I love you and I always will!


Where would the rest of the raver world be without you? It is because of you that I have met some of the most incredible people in my life - people I will remember for a lifetime.  You have been a great friend to me since I've known you and I could never thank you enough for putting your everything into making us party kids happy. I'll never forget the first time I met you at Absolute Kaos, then our "corner talk" at Skool*d.. we had so much fun - then the hotel after - thanks for driving me and Tamatha back home!  We've shared so many fond memories, far too much to type in this little bit of space here.. Never forget the first RaverDay @ 6 Flags.. our krew will never die. "Anything you can do, I can do better. I can do anything better than you!"  I love you to death Smoke.

You have got to be the hottest chick on RaversOnly.  I've known you for a while now.. I remember first meeting you, when Warchild introduced us.. then all the hot times we've had at parties togehter - we're HARDKORE.  Ten never forget the time chillin' at Chris' house - wanting to beat that bitches ass - sitting there fuct up for like 7 hours - then talking about the 5 some - Me, Chris, You, Matthew and we can't forget Benjamin!  I can't wait to hang out and make some crazy memories once again!  Girl you BANGIN!  What about our dew filled adventures!?! We have to hang soon, I'm having Keta-withdrawls!

*STOMP*STOMP*STOMP!*  We are the most hardkore kandie girls ALIVE!  We never forget to wear our kandie wherever we go! I've known you for so long now, we've had many great times together at parties - and even in the car on the way TO parties!  Never forget driving into NYC for One Nation at the Roxy, Todd driving like a maniac, finally getting into the party, not feeling the vibe, then MAKING OUR OWN VIBE!  That weekend was great, thanks again for letting Eyeballs and I crash at your house, you and Will are the SHIT!  I love you guys so much!  Never forget coming to Albany when Will spun and ripping up the dancefloor HARDKORE style. WE OWNED!  Keep smiling and shining girl, the rave scene needs kandy girls like us! Love ya!

I've never met such a DJ who puts so much energy into each and every set - no matter what you're spinning - Happycore, Hard trance or hardkore - you've always got so much energy.  RAVERS ONLY LOVES SLAVA!  You rock the decks better than any happycore DJ I've ever heard.  I love partying with you - from all the times at asylum, to NYC parties,  to the memories we made down in DC.  You never let us down, your smile is one of a kind, Slava!  You know the road ahead is going to be long and tough, but don't let anything stand in your way!  You have a lot going for you, don't give up!  I'll always be the co-president of your fan club!

We'd had our share of ups and downs, but I could never thank you enough for being there for me, for listening to me and all my bullshit.  No matter what we still have some crazy memories - especially in DC  when I said, "Jack McDevitt is going to spin," to the time when you made my toes curl.. and everything in between!  Thank you so much for everything you've done for me - in the scene and out of the scene.  Our party weekend - from Trauma to Mayhem to Countdown 2k3 - our raver CONVOY - it was a lot of obstacles, but we still had an awesome time.  Good luck with Traumatic productions, I will always have your back!  And it's always nice to have an EMT in the presence!

It seems as if everytime we get together, there is NO end to the madness!  From the night at Curtis' house - "BUT I THOUGHT IT WAS BLISS!" (Even though there are many parts of that night I don't remember).. all the way to the awesome time we had at RaverDay @ 6Flags. That weekend was crazy amounts of fun, from roller-coaster hopping - our "bathroom stops" - to the fun we had back at the hotel, RO STYLE!  We are CRAZY, and we can'tmanage to stay clothed ALL the time!  But it's okay 'cuz we have CRAZY amounts of fun!  I wish there was a way we could see Rebecca again! She was so incredibly beautiful, hopefulyl she'll never forget the cute lil bi girls who cheered her on during the entire competition!  I knew we shoulda kissed her! I love you girl!

Where do I start with you!?  I remember you were my "VALENTINE 2003" before we even met. And when I met you, I was like, ahhh someone who's my height, finally!  We have had some crazy times at parties, and after parties, and hanging out at your house!  It's never a dull moment when you and I are around. Thanks for always putting up with my bullshit - and sorry about the mishaps at Conscious, trying to make it 2 hours home with a broken window - having to stop at EVERY exxon stealing their garbage and duct tape, we were theiving it!  If it weren't for you being able to drive my car, I don't know how the hell we would have gotten home.  Then at your house after, driving around Oneonta, feeling like we were in a video game!  Ahh the memories. We need to hang before you move to PA!

It was great meeting you at Battlebotz, you made that entire party worth it for me!  We had a lot of fun, just hanging out dancing like CRAZY!  You kinda fell off for a while, it was so nice to see you at Sneaky again!  Thanks for listening to all my bullshit, we had a crazy good time at all the parties, you never let me down *wink*.  I still miss you at EVERY single asylum partie, I have no one to dance with like we danced together at Battlebotz. Arnie you need to come back out and party like we used, back in the days of the Hippie House!  You need to come back out, everyone misses you!
You have been there for me to make me laugh when I've needed it most. I'll never forget your first party with the RO Krew, what a way to start out! Assume the position was absolutely one of the most bengin' weekends.. the pre-party, the party, the after-party.. all MAD FUN!  Thanks for always making me laugh, and you never cease to make me know how much I am loved! I can't wait till you can finally post on RO again, so we can be bad and run through perversion like we own that shit! Can't wait till YGM to see you agan!

I remember meeting you at my very first asylum party.. neither of us knew what RaversOnly really was, we were just there to get down.  Then ALL the parties we've hung out together, TruLuv4, just chillin on the couch all night just hanging out and talking, we had SO much fun!  Then the crazy NYE after parties.. then the weekend of Assume the Positon... PRICELESS! From the pre-party at Freak's to the hotel BEFORE the party, me running around half naked with you taking pics, all the way to the bangin party, and the memories we made at the hotel.. before getting the boot!  We definitely had such a great friendship back in the day.. you were like.. my best friend. I don't know what happened to it.. I miss it dearly. I don't know if things will ever be back to the way way they were, but I hope that someday you'll wake up and realize how true our friendship was. But no matter what I will always have your back. I can't wait to hear you spin this Friday at Mouth2Mouth. I'll always have a special place in my heart for you and our friendship. And I waill always always always be your hardkore vixxxen.

Girl you are so beautiful!  It is always a pleasure partying with you.  We' have been at some GREAT parties together, including some bangin' after parties!  It is ALWAYS a pleasure seeing you and Rob.. I'll never forget all the times we just walked aimlessly around parties, just chilled and talked! You are such a cutie, if Rob weren't there I would have taken you home with my by now :):):) But I think you already know that! I can't wait to party with you again.. I miss you soo much and I love you to pieces!