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Kiran's Homepage

Links - Sick have a look and see
Free Music Videos to watch
Funny Website
Liam Lynch - Whatever
Poke The Penguin Game
Funny Chinese Rapper
Star Wars Kid Reloaded
Star Wars Kid Last Hope
Funny Chinese Rapper (I luve chinese ppl really)
Triumph The Insult Comic Dog - I Keed
This is what rock sounds like to me!
Avid Merrion - Proper Crimbo
Page 1 - My Infomation
Page 2 - Lego Men Pictures
Page 3 - Old Class Photos
Page 4 - Newcastle United!!

My Favorite Things

Listen to these songs and videos above! They are really gud, you will thank me! I AM JUST EXPERIMENTING WITH THIS WEBSITE PLEASE LET ME KNOW OF ANY COMPLAINTS! THANK YOU FOR VISITING MA WEBSITE...