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JUNIOR NSHEI UBNOS CHABAD was designed by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to unite young married women. This Toronto group of ladies began making programs at the beginning of 5763-2003. Programs ranging from Farbregans with special guest speakers to open table discussions. This summer we had a wonderful barbecue for the ladies with their families. Each month we hope to have a special farbregan as well as a fun program.

We currently have began our own Shifra and Puah program, in which we make meals for each other when having a baby.

If you would like to know more about recieving a meal or making a meal for someone, please call Aviva Forer at 905-731-2638.

We are are currently in the process of creating various shuirim during the day and possibly in the evening as well. For more info on Shuirim, please call Shternie Marmulsteyn at (905)707-0082.

If you have an exciting idea that you would be intrested in helping with, please call Batya Fredlender at (905)417-0969.
If You would like to be involved in helping out with events/programs, you can call any of us ! We need everyones particpation and involvement

For upcoming events, please click here

Social and inspirational programs particularly geared for the young wife and mother. For more Information you can call Batya (905)417-0969 or Shternie (905)707-0082 or Aviva (905)731-2638 or Email