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You're walking down a street late at night. You here something behind you and turn, only to see a gang clad in all black...from the bottom of their tanker boots all the way up to the collar of their trench coats. Do you run away in fright or call the police? Nah, it won't do any good. They're only dumbass gothic RPG'ers and, unfortunatley, there's still not a crime against being lame. Somehwere, right now, there's a group of balding, 20-something, metal head/geeks throwing hit points at each other in their parent's basement. I don't have a problem with this. They're just tossing some dice, playing D&D, and not getting laid. What I do have a problem with, however, are these retards who decide to bring the sadness of RPG's to the streets of America. That's lame as it sounds these jackasses walk around pretending to be wizards and vampires. These are the same very cool people who get the vampire extension teeth. Why, you may ask yourself, do they do these strange things? That's a hard question and i'm not sure that I have the answer. The only thing I am sure of is that it annoys me to the point of diareah! These aren't your everyday run-of-the-mill geeks. Oh no..not even close! These are the "cool" geeks. The ones who skip school and listen to lots of Rush, and bitch about people staring at them and calling them differet. Even though they spend tons of money on clothes, piercings, and dye to make themselves look different! They're also the same jokers who wear those wacky shirts you see in novelty pot head stores like Bizzaar Bizzaar with flames and chineese writing on them. They're a cancer to society and I say they need to be stopped! Do you really want these freaks lurking around fighting off magic trolls on the same streets that your kids walk to school on? I didn't think so! And by the way, what's up with them being depressed all the time? Let them spend 18 months in a Vietnamese POW camp and then maybe they'd have something to bitch about. "Look at me, I'm a stupid fucking goth and my parents don't love i'm going to dress in all black and pretend to be a noncomformist" So anyway, as I sit here drinking shot after shot of yager because I don't have a girlfriend, I'm delighted by the thought that, yes...I AM better than someone else. That someone else is you, you pale skinned RPG'er. And I'll drink to that.

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