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The semester exam will be twenty-five questions. There will be a section where you will have to write down html code, a section where you will have to define vocabulary terms and a section where you will have to describe steps involved in certain webmastering tasks. The exam will count for 25% of your TOTAL semester grade in this course.

You must know the HTML tags and attributes for:
Page title (<title>Ultra Jermiha</title>)
Body background color (<bgcolor="#??????">)
Body background image (<body background="?">)
Font color (<font color="#??????">)
Font size (<font size="?">)
Font face (<font face="Arial”>)
Line break (<br>)
Horizontal line (<hr>)
Image (<img src=”?”>)
Image width and height (<img src=”?” width=”?” height=”?”>
Internal hyperlink (<a href="?.html">)
External hyperlink (<a href="">)
Email link (<a href="">.)
Table width (<table width="300" height="200">)
Table background color (<table bgcolor="red">)
Table background image (<table background="imagename.gif">)
Table border (<table border="1">)
Cell width and height (td width=”??” height=??”)

You must know definitions for the following terms:
Web hosting- Server that host web-sites.
Web browser A web browser allows you to see web pages by decoding the html code into a visual layout.
HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
.GIF less that 256 colors
.JPG more than 256
.CSS Cascading- Style Sheets, helps to style multiple sheets at once.
Search Engine - will comb through millions of web pages looking for instances of the key words you define in your search.
Internet- world wide collection of computers, cables, servers, and networks.
FireworksMX- A program that allows you to design graphics and edit graphics.
DreamweaverMX – A programs that allows you to design you web page in either html code or full view mode.
Hyperlink- the function of jumping from one document to another
Navigation- a pre determined system to link all pages in a web site.

You must be able to describe, in detail, the steps involved in the following tasks:
1. Creating and viewing a blank html page in notepad. Include the code needed.
Open notepad. Type the code: <html><head></head><body></body></html>. Then save as ???.html. Then open in a web browser.
2. Creating an exact copy of an html document.
Open in notepad. Got to file Save as then save under a different name.
3. Creating a new folder on the desktop to organize website files.
Right click. Scroll down to new folder. The type the name of your folder.
4. Getting a photograph from a digital camera to show up on a web page
Download picture to your computer. Then upload picture to your web server. Then type in the code on the page that you want it to appear. (<img src=”???”>)
5. Using FireworksMX to create a button and saving it to an images folder as a .gif file.
Open Fireworks. Start with a 150 by 50 blank page. Create a rounded rectangle shape in the middle of it. Then start typing the word or words that that button will have on it. Then optimize it as a .gif. Then export it into your image file.
6. Setting up a free web hosting account.
Go to Click on the “Sign me up” button. Then fill in all the requested information.
7. Transferring html files from your laptop to your web server.
Go to your web server. Click on the upload files. Select your file then hit upload.