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About us 
Our life 
Born by heart 

A Family to Love Your Baby

Connie and Jens 

Oregon's coast near Portland

Dear Birthmother,


We are Connie and Jens from Bethesda, Maryland. We hoped that you would visit our web-site and we like to thank you for considering open adoption. We know you must have many mixed emotions right now and we admire and respect you for your courage and determination. We know that you're faced with a challenging decision about your baby's future, and that you're about to do a very important and selfless thing. We want you to know that we not only want to adopt a child, we want his or her birth parents to feel comfortable knowing that their child is being raised in a caring home.

With this web-site, we invite you to read about us to get an idea who we are and what we feel about adoption. We hope this helps you to decide, if we could be your baby's family of choice.

[About us][Our life][Photos][Born by heart][Contact]

2004, Connie and Jens