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About Me

Now, I don't know if you want to know about me. I'm quite the scary person, I tell you. I've had a fair few people tell me I'm crazy, which I already knew, thank you very much. But I suppose I could leave you with a few stats.


Name: Jina Marie

Nicknames: Jeeney, Jenie, Jeens

Age: 16

Birthdate: October 27, 1987

Place of Residence: As of now, Hicksville, Saskanada.

Born in: Saskatoon, Saskanada

Physical: Shoulder brown hair, grey eyes, 5'6

Siblings: Krista, 14 (fourteen); Jackson, 12 (almost 13)

Parents: Anne and Doug

Pets: Cat: Festus

School: McNaughton High

Grade: 11

Classes: Last Term: English, CS20, History 20, Math 20, French 20 (20 = grade 11)

            This Term: Biology, MathA30, Physics, Chemistry, Spare (30 = grade 12)

I think that's about it, for now. I don't know what else you want! Leave me alone you stalkers!

Phone Number: 1-800-SCREW-OFF

Have a nice day!