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Jacki speaks Sunday, February 22 at 1 p.m. in the Apple Chapel.  

NEW!!!! An Exclusive Q&A with Jacki!!!!!

See past Ward Directory pictures to find out which ones are more effective in getting asked to speak in church.

Click here for directions to watch Jacki speak.

Visit the GUESTBOOK to congratulate Jacki or to share experiences of speaking in church.


            “It was one of those things that I was just wishing would happening to me…having faith that one day it would be my turn but still doubting.  Then he called.  I had been waiting so long for him to call, you know, carrying my cell phone everywhere with me so I wouldn’t miss it when he finally did.  When I realized it was him on the phone I got really nervous.  What if he wasn’t calling about that?  What if he was calling for one of my roommates?  What if he already had the whole semester booked and he didn’t have time to fit me in?  But then he did it.  The second counselor asked me to speak in church.  There has been nothing in the past four years at BYU that even compares to that feeling.”  - Jacki Lee

  This is what Jacki would look like if she had spoken in church before:



Jacki is speaking in church!!!!!