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My Favorite things about Angelfire.

Ramblings of a crazy, confused college student? Or right on the money...You be the judge.

January 30th--Today just got ugly

So, I'm walking out of class today at around 9:15am. I couldn't help but notice the large number of beautiful girls that were out. Is this some secret that I didn't know about? I'd say at LEAST 85% of the girls I saw were very attractive. Then, I witnessed the most repulsive thing I've seen in the last year. (trust me, by comparison to the things I've witnessed this year, this thing was terrible). Right next to the stairway were the two most hideous people I have ever seen (in person). I was so repulsed by their presence that I had to grab onto the railing to keep me from hurling myself over the it to my death. My hands trembled with the nearly unstoppable urge to claw out my eyeballs. What made it even worse was the fact that they were making out. NO NO NO They were practically making love in the hallway. Remember when you were little and you saw animals on TV mating and you didn't know what they were doing? Well it was kind of like that for me. Here stood these two animals,(the label "human" would be too much of a compliment), and worse yet, they were practically consuming one another. I was fortunate enough to stumble back to my room and warn you all of this. (I have years of drinking to thank for my super-human stomach) This brings up an interesting point though. Why aren't we sterilizing our population's ugly people? Is that such a crazy thought? I mean, If aliens ever did land on our planet I wouldn't want them making first contact with a couple of ugly people playing grab-ass in a field or something. I know if I landed on a planet and the first thing I saw was a couple of hideous alien creatures sucking-face I'd give the order to Nuke the fuckin' place. Ehhhhhhhhhhhh, get these creatures out of my site! So let that be a warning to you. Mornings here on campus are a mixed blessing. Yes, there are tons of attractive girls, but man, things can get reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaal ugly :O

February 12th--People never seem to stop finding ways to piss me off

Ahhhhh, where do I begin....I could tell that my night class was going to be a bad one when I walked in and someone had taken my seat. Okay, we're in the 5th week of classes now, I think you know who the fuck is sitting where. Am I far off on this one? Because if I am, feel free to tell me.Didn't think so..Anyway, I'm a little pissed because I had to sit in the dreaded "40 something" area of class. For those of you who don't do the night class thing, the 40 something area is where all of the adults, usually women, sit. They randomly ask stupid , common knowledge questions and generally do things to piss off the rest of us. I've often pondered why they are back in school and drew the conclusion that, they couldn't go to college when they were our age, because they were too busy doing stupid irrisponsible things like shelling out babies and wasting away their years and pointless dead-end jobs. Now they are back in school with a renewed vigor and positive attitude toward life. Many of you are probably silently congradulating them as I once did. Well, the next time you think of doing so, I recommend you sit next to a couple of them in one of your classes. It's FUCKING horrible. Aside from the random stupid questions that a one legged drunken chimp could answer in morris code, there are the random stupid comments. You know, such things as stating the obvious and attempting to look remotely intelligent when all they are achieving is driving us closer and closer to getting up and smacking the shit out of them. So after our 10 minute break this GENIUS (we'll call her "ape" for simplicity reasons) decides that she's going to eat some potato chips. "NO....NO....This can't be happening...", continuously flashes through my mind as the professor gets back into the material. Of course APE eats the chips nice and slow, making sure to get the maximum crunch out of each precious bite. Unless you havent eaten in three fucking days and these chips are literally going to save your worthless life, There is ABSOLUTELY NO excuse for eating potato chips in a quiet classroom. It's the most obnoxious thing a person can do in class short of masturbating in the front row. So, she's about 3 potato chips into her groove and I am giving her all of the possible hints that would lead anyone with an iq near Corky, from life goes on, to deduce that I am bothered by her actions. Does Ape bother to take notice? NO, of course not, because she has the perception of a fucking pile of shit. I had my hand over my ear nearest to her, I twisted my body in the complete opposite direction of her, and I gave her two, yes two, of my famous "you better fucking stop that" looks. Ape just kept right on munching on those chips of hers, no doubt proud of the fact that she finally figured out how to operate a vending machine after 40 years of worthless existence. Needless to say, I learned nothing the second half of the class. I did manage to memorize her face so that if she's ever applying for a position at the job I'm currently working at, I will laugh in her fucking face before bringing to her attention the fact that our organization does not employ people who are not perceptually adept enough to distinguish the body language of others around her. Then, of course, I'd call in security and have them throw her ass down the fucking stairs violently. Maybe then something would rattle loose in her fucking head and enlighten her in some way, or at least get a few more of those brain cells to start firing around in there. Why didn't I politely ask her to stop being so rude? For reasons of principle, I shouldn't have to. You should know better than to carry on such an activity as eating potato chips when you're in a quiet class room in close quarters with others. It's okay though, I got her back....I had the nastiest meat burps from the Sausage I was eating at dinner and I just couldn't help but blow them in her direction :) PISS OFF!

SIDE NOTE -- Of course our parents and adult friends are exempt from this situation. They have the common sense not to behave this way. If you're offended by this in anyway, please go get yourself sterilized immediately and throw yourself off of a cliff while you're at it. We'll understand...


So, here I am, sitting in my high-backed leather computer chair, contemplating whether it's worth it to start on my endless homework. Nope, I'm definately not going to do it. There must be some reason why I havent had the motivation to do anything this entire weekend. Perhaps in the greater scheme of things, some unknown force is trying to tell me to relax and take it easy. That's the only explanation I can come up with to why I haven't been able to force myself to do a shred of work. I haven't been busy, I haven't been sick or hung over or anything of the sort. I wish I was, then I'd have an excuse at least. Here's what I've done all weekend: Watched two movies, gone to the gym, read a few chapters in my book (recreational reading), slept, ate, took a dump...ahh. that's about it. Iv'e tried sitting down and studying or starting an assignment 8 or 9 times. Iv'e tried drinking coffee, having background music, having total silence. Nope, nothing's worked. So as far as I'm concerned, Iv'e done my part. Iv'e devoted Waaaaaaaay too much time to trying to study. Fuck that shit. I'm outa here. I'm gonna go sit my ass down on the couch and watch some fuckin' tv. Maybe tomorrow my motivation will come, if not, maybe tuesday. Hell I don't even care anymore. I'm not going to sit down and read a book when I know I'm not even paying attention, and I'll have to read it all over again. Later suckers!

March 22nd--THE WAR

Okay, so I finally got motivated enough to do some work, and things were going great until this war started. Oh, the war wasn't the problem. I've been waiting for our country to finally kick some other smaller countries' asses and break all the rules that we make them follow. I'm fine with that! It's these modern-day anti-war hippies that are really pissing me off. Have you ever noticed that anytime anything the slightest bit contraversal happens in this country we have these loud-mouthed obnoxious artsy fucking hippies airing their opinions? First of all, the protests that are going on are only hindering the productivity of our country. Think about it. These fools are missing work and school and getting in the way of the other good people who are trying to get someplace. God forbid something terrible happens and emergency crews need to get someplace in NYC. The 200 thousand + protestors would get in the way and cause more trouble than they're worth. Christ they'd probably flip over the vehicles and cause total chaos in a feeble attempt to get their point accross that "war is bad" and "death is wrong". Well guess what, you are defeating your purpose idiots. First of all, this country was founded on war, and we have been continuously involved in some sort of conflict since then. If you don't like it, don't protest it, LEAVE. You're not welcome here. If you lived at home with your parents and didn't like the way they ran things, would you protest it all day? NO. You'd probably move out or get kicked out. Furthermore, on one of the news stations, they were interviewing one of the protestors, a man in his late 30's. They asked him, " Why are you out here protesting?". He said, " Well first of all, Bush never gave us a good reason why we're involved in this war, and second of all, war and senseless murder are not the answer. " *sigh* Ok, you fucking idiot. If you don't know why we're at war by now, you should seriously consider killing yourself because you are completely useless to humanity. I'm 21 years old and I know far more than you. That's sad. We're at war for numerous reasons. First: The Iraqy regime that's currently in power has killed hundreds of thousands of their own people. They are criminals and a hazard to the rest of the world. We are involved in this war because we are the most powerful country in the world and the only one with the balls to take these psychos out of power. If you honestly believe that they are not harboring terrorism and stockpiling all sorts of nasty weapons to use on other countries, you are an idiot, and your parents failed horribly in raising you. The Iraqy people are oppressed. They live in fear. The government completely controls them and murdering innocent civilians is a common thing there. Second: They have oil. Lots of oil. We want oil. We are big, strong, and manipulative. We will take it. That's that. If you don't like it, move to France with the other panzy-asses. Oh yeah, what's France done in the past 25 years. Nothing. They suck. So do you. Three: Iraq would be in better hands if the strings were pulled by us and others. The name of the game is trade and commerce. Simply put, Iraq sucks at that game. If the US and other allied nations were pulling the strings, everyone would be happier. We'd all benefit, and most importantly of all, the Iraqy people would benefit. In response to your second remark " Senseless murder and war is not the answer ", you are wrong here as well. Consider the situation. There's a very powerful and wealthy man running a country that takes in lots and lots of money from oil. He has plans to build powerful weapons so that he can take over his neighbors and bomb the shit out of anyone who gets in his way. You've tried to talk it out with him and solve it in a non-violent way, but he refuses. Furthermore, every other country is too weak to wage a war against him. What do you do? If you have any suggestions to how we possibly could have avoided this war, please, e-mail me. I'm really interested to hear how we could have avoided conflict with someone who's unwilling to cooperate and is building weapons of mass destructions. Oh yeah, and this same man has been oppressing his people and killing hundreds of thousands of them in the past decade. (Just in case you might have forgotten that). He sounds like a pretty easy man to talk to eh? Another thing that's really pissing me off is people and the press bitching over "safe bombings". WHAT THE FUCK. WE'RE BOMBING THEM. There's nothing safe about bombing a country. Sure, you can have very accurate bombs but shit, you can't totally control explosion size and effect. I'm sure we're trying to minimize civilian casualties but there's two things you have to remember. We've made it pretty clear that we're focusing on military sites. So to all of the Iraqy people with half a brain, get the fuck away from them or you'll die. And furthermore, this is war. Do I have to remind you that generally people tend to die in wars. (I'm no expert of course but I think that's what happens). Now, don't get the wrong idea here. I'm not in favor of any war. I don't like death anymore than you do, unless it's geunie pigs. They are useless. But, there comes a time when talking things out wont work. When our not-so-distant future is in danger. When we're in danger, we must defend ourselves. It's kill or be killed, and I'd like to think we go about it about as civily as possible. I'll respect all of those anti-war protestors when they come up with a legitimate method for us to diffuse the situation in the middle east. It's easy to pick a side in any matter, but if you're going to be against something, have a good reason for doing so. If you don't, you're just wasting everyone's time and causing more trouble than you're worth. The United States is by far one of the most successful and welcoming countries in the world. You people who are bashing the United States are under absolutely NO obligation to stay here. You're more than welcome to leave under your own free will. In my opinion, I'd rather see you leave than stay here and bitch and complain about how much you don't like it and how unhappy you are. You could always move to Iraq. I hear it's lovely this time of the year.

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College Student? you should be here
Quit kidding yourself, this is what you're going to be doing in 10 minutes anyway
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