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International Relations and Security Studies Resource Centre
Terrorism Links

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Links to Terrorism Sites:

United States Institute of Peace - Terrorism,  Counter-Terrorism Web Links, general resources, government agencies and international organizations, political organizations, research studies and projects, selected documents and publications.  

Center for Defence Information - Terrorism Project provides links to outside resources.  

Wiliam R. Nelson Institute - Terrorism links on the Web. 

National Security Institute (USA) - Links to Counter terrorism resources, terrorism legislation and executive orders, terrorism facts, commentary on terrorism and terrorism legislation, terrorism precautions.

Terrorism Research Centre - Independent institute dedicated to the research of terrorism, 

U.S. Department of State: Response to Terrorism - Official U.S. government website.

International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism: Israeli Website: ICT is a research institute and think tank dedicated to developing innovative public policy solutions to international terrorism.  

The Counter-Terrorism Page 

UN Action Against Terrorism - Information articles and statements from the United Nations.

FAS Intelligence Resource Program - Background and Threat Assessments, September 11 and the Aftermath, Middle East Terror, Chemical and Biological Weapons, Patterns of Global Terrorism, Foreign Terrorist Organizations Designations.

CIA: The War on Terrorism 

UK Home Office - Official UK government website.

Centre for the Study of Terrorism and Political Violence-  St Andrew's University UK.  Wide-ranging and intensive research programme, publications.

Safety and Security for Canadians -  Official Canadian government website, Canadian security initiatives, Responding to Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Threats.

Canadian Security Intelligence Service - Official Canadian government website, information on counter-terrorism.

Parliament of Australia - Terrorism and the Law in Australia: Legislation, Commentary and Constraints.


Emergency Management Australia - Official Australian Government Website.  Bali bombing, bio-terrorism, general information.

Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Official Australian Government Website International Coalition against Terrorism.

National Security Australia -  Official Australian Government Website.  Provides security advice for Australia, National security agencies, Australian legislation.

Australian Government Department of Defence - Defence response to a terrorist incident within Australia.

Links to Bioterrorism Sites :

St Louis University: Center for the Study of Bioterrorism

Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology - Provides information on  disease agents, economic impact, epidemiology, identification and diagnosis, management and treatment

American College of Physicians - Provides general information, covers a number of diseases including: Anthrax, Smallpox, Plague, Tularemia and Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers, Biotoxins, Nerve Agents and Toxic Gases

The National Academies - Provides a search engine with over 3000 related websites. - Links to related US government websites, state and local government and International sites.

PBS - Covers a number of bioterrorism issues 

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (USA) - Information on biodefence, fact sheets, clinical trials, articles, multimedia, news releases, congressional testimony, government related sites, other related sites.

Washington Post - Special Report on Bioterrorism.

Biosecurity and Bioterrorism Journal

The World Health Organization - bioterrorism links, descriptions of activities, reports, news and events.

Yahoo links on bioterrorism

Dogpile Links on Bioterrorism

AlltheWeb Links on Bioterrorism

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