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Joe Riding`s Magic Lessons

Joe Riding`s Magic Lessons

Joe Riding`s Magic Lessons



Joe Riding MIMC GOLD STAR tells it as it really is.

For the past twenty five years I have made a my living mostly working as a close up Magician. Sometimes under the most exacting conditions.

For instance I was once booked to entertain a group of Chinese. Not only could they not speak English, but over half of them were blind. Well I did the show it was for The Department of Health in Liverpool, and I made it work. You see when it is your living you have to find a way to make it work.

I have gone from the back street pubs in the north of England to Hollywood. I did a lecture for Magicians in Las Vegas, and I did not start the lecture until half past one in the morning, you want to know why?

I was told that Siegfried and Roy wanted to see my lecture and they did not finish their show until after one o clock in the morning. If you think that is boasting well you are right, but wouldn’t you, if such superstars as Siegfried and Roy wanted to see your show, and remember, that was after they had been working all evening.

I did a show some time ago with a few other Magicians. It was The Mahatma Magic Circle annual dinner. Trevor Lewis and Bob Ostin, both top line magicians said to me. Joe there is a world of difference between doing magic for magicians and the stuff you do, yours really is commercial.

Bob Ostin then went on to say, “My daughter is with me tonight she hates magicians and is dead cynical about them, she has seen so many. Joe you left her gobsmacked, she could not believe it, and that is a real compliment I can tell you.”

Well that is the type of magic I will teach you. I will teach you how to entertain people, make them laugh, get applause from every table you work, so that you get rebooked time and again. That is a real measure of how good your act is, and I can show you how to achieve this.

I have been there and done it, and I am still doing it. If you are really serious about being a really good close up magician and entertainer, and you want to make money, now is the time to act

You can pay each month and have one lesson per month emailed to you. The cost will be as follows. Only £15 or $25 dollars a lesson, and remember, a CD Rom WITH VIDEO CLIPS with every lesson, showing you the routines, how to perform them, how the routines are constructed, and how to perform the easy sleights. Alternatively you can pay cash up front for one year. Twelve lessons in all, and receive the full package for £!50 0r $250 A saving of £30 or $50. If you want to be a real live magician performing for the public and earning good money this is your chance, now is the time to act. There is plenty of material in this course to suit any magician on this planet.