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it's not what YOU know. it's what I can prove


i may have useful links here later :/

Driver Guide- this one is useful!
Free Web Building Help
Angelfire HTML Library
HTML Gear - free polls, guestbooks, and more!

hmmm i got big ideas for this page, im still working it out in my head exactly how im gonna do it, what i am hoping for is an ilustrated guide to help people learn how to upgrade and repare there computer's without the need if expensive money sucking tech;s i should know because i am one,. but not to fear i dont think my job is in any danger though.. no this page is for those brave souls that truely want to accomplish somthing that really want the rewarding feeling of doing it there selves .. I WARN YOU working on computer is not whout its problems, there are a zillion things that can go wrong,and a lot of them could be expen$ive to fix so if your not certain that you can do this, then its not for you to do. but for those of you still here with me , you can learn, its not very hard . and my goal here is to take this web space and try to fit most of not everything i know even as i am learning it into this space , there will be pictures links too and i will explain everything you need to know, very soon i am going to start a project im going to order parts and build a system, i and going to use this in the web page, hopefully if i can teach you what you need and how to put it togeather and maybe even how to use it after its done, well them perhaps i am not creating this page in vaine :D
