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Biology Project (Hamster) The real one

Materials we used


hamster 1
hamster 2
hamster 3


In this project we are going to explain and show the different types of reaction furing a recording of 3 time periods of 24 hours, we are also going to explain the reactions to two different types of music; Rock Music nad Classic Music.

---------Way we used materials----------

  • The Cage: it is the hamster habitat
  • Special food: we took exact measures of the amount of food we gave to him.
  • The pair of speakers: Is where the two types of music came from, we placed the very near the cage so he can listen to the music and react very well
  • The compter: is where we controlled the music and cronometred it.
  • Video Camera: used to record the time laps
  • Photo Camera: we used it to take pictures from every reaction and materials and to the hamster it self.
  • Water: We also took measures to the water bowl.


    --------Reactions to rock music-------

    We played rock music during 40 minutes of each time period of 24 hours. Reactions during these 40 minutes were all similar. It took almost 15 minutes (13 minutes 46 seconds) for the hamster to response to the music, when he began to react to the music when he began to bite the cage and he was kind of scared but at the same time he was very aggressive, he was taking care of his territory, when we introduced a clip and try to get some sample of his faeces he didn’t let us because he was aggressive and trying to bite us. All type of reactions and behaviours during the times we played the rock music were all similar.

    --------Reactions to classic music-------

    We did the same with classic music just as rock music, we played it for 40 minutes. Reactions during this time were pacific and calmed. The Hamster was very concentrated, he was mainly all the time in the playing wheel. He could take samples of hair and faeces. It didn’t took much time for he to react, almost 7 minutes (6 minutes 37 seconds). He ate vey well during that time and drank wey well also.



  • Length of his body: 12.8 cm
  • Height:5.1cm (relaxed position)
  • size of tail:0.8 cm

    Size of teeth:

  • Upper:2.5 cm
  • Lower: 1.5 cm

    Extra Information

    Hamsters are small, they are tailless, rodents with big cheeks . They originated in the Middle East and southeastern Europe. The most common and popular, both as pets and laboratory animals, is the golden or Syrian hamster. Color and hair-type varieties of the golden hamster include cinnamon, cream, white, and "teddy bear". Most of the hamsters sold as pets or used in research are the descendants of 3 littermates domesticated in 1930.

    Another unique feature of hamsters is the paired glands in the skin over the flanks. These appear as dark spots within the hair coat and are much more obvious in males than females. These glands are used to mark a hamster's territory and also have a role in sexual behavior.

    Hamsters are very popular pets today because of their availability, affordability, small size, cuddly appearance, often docile temperament and relatively clean habits. They are not very long-lived, which can be disconcerting to owners (especially children). Many parents, however, believe that having their children experience the relatively short period of companionship and subsequent death is a meaningful way to expose children to the "ups and downs" of life.

    The frequency with which the enclosure is cleaned depends on its design, the materials out of which it is made, and the number of hamsters within. As a general rule of thumb, the enclosure and all cage "furniture" should be cleaned and disinfected once weekly. The food and water containers should be cleaned and disinfected once daily. More than one set of containers should be maintained, and the soiled set should be washed in a dishwasher, if possible.

    Good quality food and fresh, clean water must be readily available at all times. The exact nutritional requirements of the hamster are not known. In the wild, they are omnivorous, feeding on plants, seeds, fruits and insects. Pet hamsters are best fed commercial rat or mouse diets containing at least 16% crude protein. These foods are usually available as dry blocks or pellets. These commercial diets can be supplemented with small amounts of dry, sugar-free breakfast cereals, whole wheat bread, uncooked pasta, cooked chicken, tuna fish, cheese, fresh fruits and vegetables. The last 2 items must be thoroughly washed to avoid exposing pet hamsters to pesticide residues and possible bacterial contamination.

    Pet stores sell prepared hamster diets available in boxes or bags. These diets contain large quantities of seeds and items rich in oils. Consequently, if improperly stored, they become rancid and lose their nutritive value. Furthermore, these oil-rich items promote obesity. These types of foods can be offered as a supplement to the commercial rat or mouse diets mentioned above.

    All food should be provided in heavy ceramic crocks that resist tipping. The sides of the crocks should be high enough to keep bedding and fecal material out of the food, or the crocks should be elevated slightly above the bedding,

    Water is most easily made available and kept free from contamination by providing it in one or more water bottles equipped with 'sipper' tubes. Make certain the ends of the tubes are positioned low enough to allow all residents within the enclosure (especially juvenile hamsters over 1 week old) easy access to them. Also make certain that very young hamsters are strong enough to obtain water from these sipper tubes.
