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Friday, 13 June 2003
... one last old entry...
[ Thu Jun 12, 10:54:32 PM | Darren Saunders | edit ]
Had a nice day off. I slept most of it, though, so it was marginally unproductive. Steve asked me if he could get a ride to the community college to pick up some of his photography assignments that he had left, and since I had to pick up my check from work we headed out. After picking up my check the whole trip took a life of its own. We went to target and picked up some necessities and Steve decided to ditch going school and we went and got burritos instead. I've decided that Rico's tofu breakfast burritos are utterly incredible. After burrito action we went to Pet Co to check out fish. There was a moment of tragedy when I found a fish gasping its last breaths in the corner of a tank. I hope the fish lady gave it a quick death when she removed it. One more stop to browse at Barnes and Noble and then we were off home. Mya called around eight and we went to Coffee Break. The place is totally a scene, but I think that's part of the draw. I don't know if I can justify dressing up to the nines to go grab a quick cup of coffee though. Apparently other people can.
I've realized this before, but I think Mya is probably the person in my circle of friends that I identify with the most. Perhaps its the close proximity of our birthdays, or relatively similar social experiences in our latter teenage years, but whatever it is its like we two share parts of our brains or something. I can always talk to him and know that I am going to get what I am looking for. He's certainly a friend that I want to keep closest. Sometimes I worry that I don't treat him well enough (well, most of my friends can be counted for that). Maybe I'm just worrying too much. I hope so. I'm sure he'd tell me if I were being a complete ass.
On a completely unrelated note, anyone who advertises with a pop-up add for a pop-up add supressor program sucks a big one.

p.s. Ahhlmost twenty-one...

album of the day: Tool - Lateralus

mood: Expectant

Posted by ultra/grizd at 4:00 AM MDT
Updated: Friday, 13 June 2003 4:01 AM MDT
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... more old entries...
[ Thu Jun 12, 12:36:27 AM | Darren Saunders | edit ]
Past the witching hour and I'm still going. Mya called and He, Katie, Erin, and I went hiking at sunset. It was a couple mile hike. Nothing really hefty about the walk, except that it was really steep most of the way. It was a rewarding climb, though. When we reached the top, the whole valley was visible, clear over to the lake. It was partially cloudy as it had been raining off and on for two days. The clouds in conjunction with the sunset made a nice combination, with beams of light coming through every now and again and lighting different parts of the valley. Erin and I shared a smoke and talked while Katie and Mya chatted a little way off. I like talking to Erin. Hell, I just like being with Erin. We talk well with each other and made jokes about Mya and Katie's conversation. Eventually we decided that it was going to be to dark to walk back if we didn't start moving and began our descent. It was fast going, and Erin hurt her ankle. I was kind of worried because it seemed like it really hurt. It was a relief to get back to the car.
We were all hungry after the hike, so we went to House of Tibet, hoping that it would still be open by the time we got there... It wasn't, we had just barely missed them. Undaunted, we finally settled on going to the Blue Moon Express. They've got great veggie nachos on the cheap, and it was thouroughly satisfying.
Blah blah blah, went to a park and met up with Steve and some others. Hung out until Katie had to go. My car was at her house, so I went with them. We hung out for about twenty minutes and made magnetic fridge poetry. Apparently "the moon plays with candy" and "farm boy bites hard so its time for bed." Katie had to help Tim, her boyfriend, with an exam so I took Erin home. After that I met back up with Steve and company. A pretty satisfying day if you ask me. I'm just glad I don't have to work in the morning.

p.s. One day until twenty-one.

album of the day: Clinic - Walking With Thee

mood: expectant

Posted by ultra/grizd at 3:58 AM MDT
Post Comment | Permalink | Share This Post are some back entries from another blog...
[ Wed Jun 11, 02:25:19 PM | Darren Saunders | edit ]
Today was a doozy. The morning rolled in on me like some gigantic hand was holding me in bed. I barely made it out of the house alive. The ride to work was pleasant. Smoked a cigarette, but the actual workday was painful. I was such a caffeine fiend, sucking down coffee just to stay moving. I suppose it pays to work at a place with a decent coffee selection, despite the rest of the crap to deal with. As the day wore on, and my shift was coming to an end, things started looking up. Don't work tomorrow, so tonight, we rock- even though i'm feeling exhausted. Mya might be coming over tonight. I don't know what we are going to do, but I would love to hang out with a few certain friends tonight...
I listened to the new radiohead album. Nobody knows how to beat a dead horse like Thom Yorke. What with his whole "Ack! We're all slaves to the system!" jive. Maybe I'm just being overly critical... I don't think so. But its not that I didn't like the album. The beating they gave said horse this time around was very masterful, and it was a great solid album, which is what counts. Radiohead can bemoan their existence anytime as far as I'm concerned. It seeemed reminiscent of OK Computer at times, which I find most definately keen. I don't think that it will be the very next album I will buy, but it will certainly go on the "to purchase" list.
In other news, my birthday is coming up on friday. I'm kinda sorta excited. 21. I'll finally be able to move about with marginal ease through the web of social restriction now. I really think the drinking age should be nineteen. Perhaps twenty. Its ridiculous that we can be called on pain of imprisonment to go fight. and possibly die, for a careless country before we can legally buy a beer. Silly.

album of the day: Radiohead - Hail to the Thief

mood - mellow

Posted by ultra/grizd at 3:57 AM MDT
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I've never kept a journal. Until recently, that is. I'm not sure why I never felt the need to keep one, but the important thing is that I am doing it now. Hopefully, this blog will help me get into the habit of writing. I suspect that it will. I don't know exactly what I want to post as far as content, but I imagine that there will be a smattering of personal opinion, poetry, rants, and other miscellaneous information; links I find interesting and such.
As this is a personal journal, it's rather inconsequential if no one else finds anything here that entertains, enlightens, or otherwise stimulates, but I hope that someone might be able to find something that they can ingest and feel good about. So, here's to future expression. Cheers.

Posted by ultra/grizd at 3:53 AM MDT
Updated: Friday, 13 June 2003 4:05 AM MDT
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