"Good Charlotte is anger management teen angst."

"Music is supposed to be an escape. It's supposed to be somewhere you go, where you can be yourself, or be whatever you want to be."

"People think that I'm a really outgoing person because of how I am on stage. But I'm not. I'm really shy."

"You can only start a boy band if you kill one of the other ones already out there."

"Whatever opportunity comes our way, we usually take it. It’s weird talking about mainstream or this and that. I mean, our outlook and stuff on music has always been the same, we just love music. We’re all music fans and we just love being in a band, and that’s why we do it. "

"My last name is sex. S-E-X."

"We've been together since the womb. We met in the womb." (Joel to Benji.)

"If I were in that pit, I'd be making out with everyone one of you!"

"So I wanna see all of you making out during this song."

"This one's for all you emo and skater kids, we know your sensitive" ( Describing Motivation Proclamation.)

"I was in Menudo."

"I'd have sex with Britney and just makeout with Christina cause she'd have drama the next day."

Girl: Whoa! You're standing right there! Joel: Yeah! I'm a real person too I have skin and I shit too but shhh dont tell anyone.

"Yeah, I hurt my finger, does anyone have a Band-Aid?"

"Instead of going out and shooting people, why don't you go start a band."

"I played baseball, I was actually pretty good, the coach didn't think so, but I was."

"I got kicked out of class so much and it wasn't fair because I was just talking. In class, if there was a pretty girl, I would just try to talk [to her] all the time. I like to talk, especially to girls. And I got kicked out of class all the time. The teacher would be like 'All right, stop,' and I'd be like 'Okay,' and keep talking. Then I'd try to impress her and it wouldn't really work. I'd get kicked out for trying to be funny, like they'd call me up to read and I'd read the wrong thing. I didn't take high school very seriously."

"I'm kinda disappointed that Canada isn't like the South Park movie said it was."

"We're definitely not jaded. We never really considered ourselves serious musicians who are changing music. We're just kids who wanted to be in a band."

"I don't want to see anyone leaving single tonight. I want everyone to leave impregnated."

"Tom Cruise is dreamy"

"In 10th grade, I kissed your girlfriend. But don't worry, I didn't like it. She used too much tongue." -Joel, to Benji

"We were put together by the label, we had to try out in a gymnasium... no, just kidding "

"It's tough, when you have young fans, for people who are older to take you seriously, but at some point, you can't care about that; you have to play music because you love music, not because you want critics to like your band. We just play music that we love, for people who also love it. Anyone is invited into that, and anyone who doesn't like it and doesn't want to be involved -- we're not offended"

"When we were 15, we were singing in our bedroom and we were in love with bands and it didn't matter where they were from or who produced their records, it was because we loved the music, and we still do"

"You get really used to living out of the bag and to meeting new people everyday and being in new situations, new surroundings everyday. I don’t think any band has the right to complain because I think we’re so lucky to be able to do this and be on the road and play everyday and meet people.We love it. We enjoy it so much. I mean other days, because we’re in the van and we’ll be, you know, like get your leg off me and we’ll be fighting about little dumb things. But that’s normal, you know. We love it, everyday."