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"GooberVille is just like me. (on fire)"



"No, Fire, you are wrong. GooberVille is just like me. (cool)"



"Fire and Ice, you are both wrong. GooberVille is like me. (phat)"



"GooberVille is unlike anything I've ever seen before. Or heard of, come to think of it."

---Helen Keller

"To be honest, GooberVille has generated quite a buzz inside the hive."

---A bumblebee 

"GooberVille is so wonderful, I've decided not to send Ryan to Hell for that cruel Helen Keller joke."


"I invented GooberVille."

---Al Gore


















Or, enter here if you like. GooberVille is dedicated to convenience.










Entra La GooberVision (for spanish users).



























right here would be a good spot to click, too.





or here, maybe

nothing good will come of clicking here though