Golda Meir: Influence During & After Lifetime
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Influence During & After Lifetime

Golda Meir influenced people both during and after her life; not just politically, but also with her personality. For six years, Meir was the Prime Minister of Israel and had the power to influence many things that went on in Israel, but even before then Meir was influencing Israel’s relations with other nations by being its Minister to the USSR and later, foreign minister. If you go even further back, you will learn that Meir had a lot of influence over smaller Jewish groups as being President of Histadrut, the General Federation of Jewish Labor. In terms of personality, Meir was determined, level-headed, and a quick thinker. These qualities lead her to become one of Israel’s greatest Prime Ministers.

Time Period and Location Timeline
Position in Society
Influence During & After Lifetime
Lifetime Accomplishments
Resources Used

Caitlyn Jenkins, 1/27/04