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Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Questioning Youth Chat

Hello, and welcome to the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Questioning Youth chat site. This is a site I started for GLBQ youth to chat with other GLBQ youth. I know how hard it is, and here you can discuss issues you are facing with other youth who may be going through or who may have gone through the same thing. Please sign the guestbook at the bottom of the page so that I know if people are coming to my site. I know that there aren't a lot of people on here now, but if people keep coming, soon there will be a lot of people in the chats. I have 6 different chats, please chat in the appropriate one for the subject you would like to discuss. Notice there isn't one for dating. That is because this is NOT A SITE FOR DATING, you may not date via this site. If you would like to date online, please converse through email or another chat site. No profanity, homophobia, or otherwise offensive posts. Thank you.


Gay Men


Bisexual Women

Bisexual Men

Questioning Youth
(This chat is for chatting with other Questioning youth, or for getting help from people who have more experience. This means that if you are not questioning but you would like to help questioning youth, this is also an appropriate chat for you)

Email Me

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