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General Information: Glamour Pride

*Policies and procedures hereby set forth are subject to change*

Mission Statement: The mission of Glamour Pride is to enhance the quality of life for all youth regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.

Vision: The vision of Glamour Pride is to help all youth develop a positive self-image, and enhance their well -being through social activities, educational opportunities and community involvement.

Adult Facilitators: The role of group leaders is to help facilitate the group process. While adult interaction is encouraged, the main focus of the group is to allow the members to develop group dynamics. Adult facilitators, group leaders, and volunteers are to act as role models and uphold the policy/procedures to group members. Confidentiality is highly important. Glamour Pride and The Akron Pride Collective reserve the right to terminate involvement of any adult facilitator, group leader, or volunteer that does not adhere to these policies or procedures.

Responsibility: Any knowledge and/or disclosure of any abuse/neglect including physical, mental, or sexual abuse that indicates that the safety of any group member is compromised mandates that Glamour Pride staff/volunteers refer such cases to the proper authorities (The Ohio Revised Code, Section 2151.421). Contact of proper authorities will be mandated if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the conduct, conditions, or surroundings of a youth are endangering the health, welfare, or safety of that individual (runaway, substance abuse, etc.) Sexual harassment policies are also strictly enforced.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality is paramount. Anything said in the group, stays in the group. Anyone seen at Glamour Pride is not to be talked about outside of group. Although confidentiality is stressed, we cannot guarantee that group members will uphold this policy.

Respect: Respect yourself, your peers, and staff. Allow everyone to speak without being judged. Respect each individuals right to pass. Respect everyone’s right to privacy. Neither physical nor verbal aggression will be tolerated.

Substance Abuse: Substance use (tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs, etc.) will not be tolerated before, during, or after any group function. Promise contracts will be issued to youths upon going to the group. If you arrive at a function under the influence, you will be asked to leave for that day.

Compatibility: Although you may meet someone at Glamour Pride with whom you feel a sense of romantic compatibility, this is not the primary function of the group. Shows of affection are acceptable within reason.

Transportation: Each member of the group is responsible for their own transportation to and Glamour Pride functions or outings. The Center will close within one half hour of all youth events. Adult facilitators, group leaders, and volunteers will not transport!