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Welcome to the Garbage Express

Update (3/16/05)

Okay, I have an idea. updates on this in the upcoming weeks. By the way some of the stuff from the old website that was actually good will be reposted in a few days.

Captain's Log: Day 32
Update (1/6/05)

Coming up with a unique idea for this joke of a website has become more difficult than I had previously imagined. Appearently the 17 minutes that I have spent trying to come up with an original idea for this website has been in vain. I must try to seek out others who have ideas for me to steal. But alas, I have had no such luck. I will try to fix this by increasing the amount of pagan sacrifices per day by 20 percent. It is the only way that I see a positive outcome in the upcoming future.

Side note: I should waste less time with gmail like I have been.

See this guy knows that I'm awesome.

Links to waste you time at
but remember I'm not saying that these are good links. It is just POSSIBLE for you to waste a lot of your time there. So I don't want to hear from anyone that they thought that these links suck, even thouhg some of them do in fact such.

What's my pirate name
Ninja Pirate (Maddox ripoff)
Photoshop Phriday
Addicting Games

Comments are welcome, unless they're stupid. Then there might be some more pagan sacrifices.