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We'll tell ya as soon as we know when the next Fusion is!
Romans 12:5
Romans 12:5

Next FUSION: To be announced!

Fusion (fu•sion):
1. The act or procedure of liquefying or melting by the application of heat
2. The liquid or melted state induced by heat.
3. a) The merging of different elements into a union b) A union resulting from fusing
according to

But what is it really?

Fun, awesome, cool, uniting, funny, entertaining, exciting, Godly, amusing, energizing, renewing, rewarding, "superific", swell o'fun, good, groovy, great, powerful, hot, life changing, "sweetness", bouisterous, youthful, spectacular, fantastic, deep, influential, uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging.

Now, tell me you don't need something like that in your life!

This is an exciting youth group event composed of the body of Christ. Consisting of several denominations of "BIBLE BELIEVING" churches; Fusion is dedicated to bringing Christ to the nations and breaking down barriers between believers!

Smile! Jesus loves you!

Other Sites

Pictures from the most recent Fusions
Worship with Fusion
Main Street Baptist Church
Community Gospel Church
St. James Episcopal Church
East Gate
Isaiah six
Southside Chiropractic
Have something to tell us?


© 11/2003 Julie Calkins, Melissa Fineout, Nate Taylor

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(as of 11/25/03)