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This is the website that is known as


For recreational use only.

Every once in a while, an unusually good website comes along that stands out from the rest. It makes use of the many features of HTML, Javascript, and other tools to enhance the site's message, not purely for the sake of having cool features. The site is well designed, pleasing to the eye and made so the viewer can quickly and efficiently accesss whatever he or she wants. In short, the site is perfect in every way. This is not that site. This is a bunch of my random stuff. Enjoy!

Please take a visit to my conworld of Arzhaná.

I am a fan of The Legend of Zelda games. I was therefore inspired to make Kokiri, a conlang for the Kokiri in Orcarina of Time.

This is a bunch of things I wrote. They mostly suck, as I'm a horrible writer. Avél, lamacya'â.

I wrote down some of my dreams in my dream log. To be updated whenever I remember a particularly interesting dream.