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Upcoming Matches +

 Against : *DEA

 Date : 28/8/03

 Time : 8:00 GMT


 Against : COS

 Date : 31/8/03

 Time : 8:00 GMT


 Against : *DEA

 Date : 2/9/03

 Time : 8:00 GMT


 Against : *DEA

 Date : 4/9/03

 Time: 8:00 GMT


+ Recent Outcomes +


 Against : -M2-

 Type : TKOTH

 Outcome : 2 - 0

 Win/Lose : Win


 Against : [c.]

 Type : TKOTH

 Outcome : 2 - 1

 Win/Lose : Win

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    News & Updates

 • We played [C]. yesterday in a TKOTH match. They were a very good side and a tough opponent. The first
 map we won by some great tactics by Tiger. The second map we were one man short and it was a struggle,
 and we lost that map. The last map went well and by some great zoning we own. Well done all who played
 [Tig, Sui, Med, Hx, Clock]
 • We have two more member to add to the squad, they're names are Soulfly and White Widow. White Widow is
 ex JAG and Soulfly is ex FP.
 • Welcome Nuflow to the squad! Seems like we're getting quite a few TL members. I would also like to welcome to the squad Clock, he is ex [JAG] and a very good player.
 • We have *DEA coming up on the 28th, can you please contact a member of staff and tel them if you can
 play or not. If you want to play then go and see them ASAP and you will be put in the team line up straight
 away =P
 • We have quite a few matches coming up so can all of .FM be on for all of the scheduled matches, if you
 cannot make it then please contact a member of staff [ Dec, Tig, Vis, Zen ] or if you are going on holiday,
 the squad must know so they can take you out of matches.
 • We played -M2- in a TKOTH today. They were a tough opponent but we mannaged to bring out a win in the
 game, the end score was 2 - 0. Well done to all who played [ Jc, Smk, Sui, Tig, Vis, Med ]
 • We have some great new recruits to welcome to the squad smk and mag who are the master's of M4 and
 they both also have very good ex squads. Also Xtreame and Mx who we have got from [JAG]. Finally we have
 recruited Orion. He's a good all round player and we hope all recruits enjoy their stay at FM.
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