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A helpful guide to Authored by Hvythg of ThugginRus [359]

Thank you for visiting MY OWN version of the Bustarion manual. I'm sure this will help you on your way to becoming a bushtarion master! Ok this is where my guide starts: Part 1: Contents Of Part 1; part 1 will show you how to navigate around bushtarion, and what the basic controls are, this will also explain what things mean, this stuff is pretty basic but the more avanced stuf is a bit farther. i) Navigating around bushtarion: When you go on to bushtario you will see a big menu bar on the left hand side of the page, these are.... Overview Messages News Maintain Alliance Alliance Politics Development Hiring Supply Depot Maintenance Land Management Intelligence Military World Rankings World View Alliances Search Preferences Purchase Logout Portal Manual IRC Info Forums The top of the screen from left to right will give you the server time and the amount of funds that you have available to spend on troops, development or land, in the top center is your company name and score, on the right is the time of the next tick the game ticks every 10 min and goes by the server time you then have the date and the changes in the day, early morning, morning time for every tick the day changes. This summary of information appears at the top of all in-game pages. 1.1) In that order, now fist "overview" this is you control panel you main page this is the page you will go to every time you are logged into bushtarion. On the overview screen you will se different sections which are split up by bars: The 1st: "messages from admin" this will show you the game announcements made by the admin. The 2nd: "development" this section is only shown if you are contructing something of deleoping something. This just tells you how long you need to wait till your development has completed The 3rd: "Outgoing/Incoming" again this is only shown if someone is trying to attack/defend you, or if you are trying to attack/defend some-one else, it tells you how many units are coming/going what there ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) The 4th: "Staff" this is quite basic, all it does is show you the amount of staff you have hired, and what types of staff you have. The 5th: "Land Plants and seeds" this section tells you how much land you have, how many plants are planted, and the total seeds/plants in stock, along with a breakdown of these totals. 1.2) "Messages" well this is pretty basic, no thought into this there are 3 different types of messages: This is the internal mailing system you can send and receive mail to/from anyone in the game. There are 3 types of messages: The 1st: Private messages These can be sent by anyone in the game you just put in the ID number of the person you wish to send to, write the message and press POST. You can send messages to multiple players by delemeting a list of ID's with a comma,for example "1,2,3,4,5" would cause the message to be sent to ID's 1 through 5. Be weary - constant mass "spammings" can get you locked for "Abuse", as can messaging ID 1 with irrelevant mails (ID 1 being game admin/creator). The 2nd: Alliance messages Only the communication officer of an alliance can send this type of mail, and it will be sent automatically to everyone in the alliance. The 3rd: Admin messages These types of messages can only be sent by the administrator of the game. These can include occassional "Mass-mails" which are mails sent to each and every single player in the game - sometimes used to help run in-game events, or point out particularly important announcements. To delete a message click the delete link next to the appropriate message. To delete all of your messages in one go, click the "delete all" button at the bottom of your messages page. once your messages have been deleted, there is no way of retrieving them. 1.3) "news" the news gives you a report on most things that are happening in your company. These include details of any incoming or outgoings and the start or completion of any construction or research (more information on construction and research can be found in development '1.7'). If another player performs a spy scan on your company they will see this page but some detail will be missing. For example they can see that you have started or finished a research or construction but it doesn't show what it was. You can find mind more information on spy reports in the intelligence section '1.12'. In depth battle or defense reports will show up after every tick of you being in the battle, these will tell you everything that you need to know about your battles. For example [close] 12,257 hostile Small droid attacked and disabled 5,977 allied staff. You will find more information on this in the military section '1.13'. If you are a leader of an alliance any construction that you do at the alliance head quarters any fund transfers, donations into the alliance funds will appear here in your news and not in the alliance news '1.4'. 1.4) "Alliance news" this page is available to all alliance leaders, alliance military officer and alliance communications officers for alliances with a HQ constructed. It shows all news relating to the Alliance HQ. Incoming mobs Troops that are attacking or defending the HQ Outgoing HQ troops Troops that have been sent to defend or attack Note: HQ troops can only attack another HQ, and can only defend own alliance members. Battle reports This like the normal news reports shows what is happening in the battle. If the HQ is under attack this report won't show any land loss (there isn't any at the HQ). If the HQ troops are out defending it will show everything that is happening in the battle including the loss of land. 1.5) "Alliance info/Maintain alliance" this page is the information page for your alliance. This page will only be active if you are a member of an alliance. At the top of the page it tell's you if the alliance you are in is private or public, the current alliance income tax rate, (this is set by the leader and any time you sell your plants/seeds the % that it is set to will go into the alliance funds) and the total amount in the alliance funds available to the leader to develop the alliance HQ and HQ troops. Below this will be any constructions if any to your headquarters more information can be found in development. Next is a list of any buildings constructed at your Head Quarters? Alliance Leader Who controls the alliance, tax rate, HQ buildings and troops, chooses who join's the alliance along with setting the password. It is advisable to change the password often. Military Leader Can see all inbound and outbound fleets to/from all alliance members and can mobilize the HQ troops. Communications officer Moderates and controls the alliance politics boards (remove unwanted threads) and can send alliance messages to the members. Mob detection This section shows any incoming attack fleets (mobs) aimed at yourself or an alliance member. By default this shows only fleets with an ETA 3 ticks or less. This range is increased to ETA 5 and below when searchlights have been constructed at your HQ. The list of members for the alliance, by default this shows details of all members that are online. If you click the 'show all members' in the title bar you can see all online and offline members. On top of each column they are 2 arrows this changes how you view the lists for example if you would like to see the member with the most land you click on the arrow pointing upwards. Note it takes 30 min from logging out of the game before it shows on the alliance member's list. Alliance HQ Development This is the same principle as your normal development except only the alliance leader can do this. This is shown at the bottom of this page. The prices of the developments are a lot higher than personal development as you have the combined funds of the alliance (this is what you would normally use the alliance tax for). 1.6) "Alliance politics" this page is available to all alliance members. It acts as the alliance communications board. Any member can post (or reply) to a post but only the author of the post (or the alliance communications officer) can delete the thread. It is sorted in reply date/time order so the newest reply is always at the top. Topic This is subject of the thread. Replies This is how many people have replied to the thread. Created This is who started the thread. Last Post This is the last person who posted a reply on the thread. To post on the politics page scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see a topic bar, put the topic of the post in (if you are replying to a thread you don't have the topic bar) and underneath type in the comments you wish to make and click submit. Your comment will be now shown on the politics page. If you have started a thread instead of seeing a name you will see 'you' and the option to delete the thread only you and the communications officer can delete the thread. Once you had posted on politics you cannot edit you post. 1.7) this is where you have the option to choose which research or constructions you wish to do. The kind that you do all depends on which technology route you choose. For information on different routes that are available please refer to the Tech Tree page. In the title bar you have research. Below this you have Research, time taken, cost and completed. Research This give a brief description on what each research does. Time The time, measured in ticks, it will take to complete. Cost This is the amount of funds you need to pay for the development. Completed This tells you if you have completed it or still have it to research. Construct This allows you to construct certain items that you get from researching. Important Note Once you have chosen your route you cannot change your mind. Some technology descriptions will list what research options they "disable". This indicates that starting that development is dedicating yourself to the respective technology route. 1.8) "Hiring" everyone receives this page, and it is where you hire your employees. Some units are available to all players, no matter which technology route you choose. These units are: Gardener Harvester Basic Protestor Basic Thug Soldier - Private (some development, non tech-route specific, is required) Geo-Phys Thief (some development, non tech-route specific, is required) Tractor (some development, non tech-route specific, is required) Combine Harvester (some development, non tech-route specific, is required) Other units you can hire depend entirely on which technology route you choose and what developments you have completed. Below is a live list of all units in the game, along with some statistics on them. Note that as this list is a full, live list of all units currently in the database, it often contains "admin-only" units, "fun" units, along with units in development. PLEASE NOTE: I HAVE NOT PLACED THE UNIT INFORMATION HERE I THOUGHT IT WAS A BIT TO MUCH I WILL NOT PLACE A LINK HERE EITHER BUT IF ANYONE WANTS TO SEE IT E-MAIL ME, OR SEND ME AN IN GAME MESSAGE!

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