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All about my Friends

Gretchen: There is no one that deserves this spot more than Gretchen. I love you so much. Through good times and bad, we've stuck it out. We hold the half to the others' brain. And though sometimes we don't get a chance to really communicate, we know that the other will always be there. Through old friends and new friends, you will always be my twin soul!

Stephanie: I love you! When I need to laugh.. you're there. When I need a shoulder to cry on.. you're there. When I need to know how gay someone is.. you're there!

Katie: You douche bag! Commercial/Nutrition/International wouldn't have been the same without you! I love you, you dirty ho!

Bryan: What can I say about Bryan? I'm so proud of my little boy! He passed his EMT exam and is going on to bigger and better things!! Yeah!

Mark L.: Ahh.. the one person in this world I can really speak spiritually with. And the one person I tormented and left emotional scars with! God bless ya, Mark!

Sanary: We just met a few months ago, but I feel like you're a sister. Keep strong.

Eileen: This girl is soooooo much fun to hang out with and she cuts hair real good too! Just don't piss her off or else you may never see your shoes again!

Sarah T.: Even though you're a bazillion miles away, you're always in my thoughts.

Theresa: My home slice! She be keepin' it real, yo! We love nachos!!!

Chris J.: My buddy. Chris and I know lots about each other! He's my boy! (Get out out out out out..!)

Don K: Kiwi!!! He's letting it all out in Plattsburgh. Go Kiwi, it's your birthday...

Keith T: I haven't seen him in forever.. but I love him to death... and wish him soooooo much luck with his career. You know you're going places babe!

Dani: I rarely get to see you.. and I know things get tough.. but remember.. I am here.. and I still love you. (This one is a dedicated friend you should never take advantage of).

Ryan: I never see Ryan.. I barely even talk to him. I'm not sure what happened, but I do know that I think about him constantly and hope that things are alright his way... he's my brother and always will be.

If I left you out, I still have more coming, so take a chill!
