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Welcome to my Oasis

Where has the time gone? On accident, I realized that this page still existed and needed some serious updating.

I've worked for Metlife Financial Services for over a year now and I love it, but it's time to better myself. This summer I'll be going back to school for Nutrition Science and hope to get my B.S. (eventually my Masters) and become a Registered Dietician. Bye bye stupid fad diets!

Anywho, the last anyone knew of me, I was .. well.. we won't get into it.. I have a fabulous, sweet, kind, loving boyfriend (Eddie) who I don't know what I'd do without (I love you baby!). Knowing I have him in my life makes it so easy to get through everything this life has to throw at us.

My pictures are fairly recent, but not recent enough. One day, when I get a computer back, I'll be sure to get a digital and upload some pics. Until then, these will do. I look practically the same, only 10-15 pounds lighter!! (yay for me!!)

Happy Holidays everyone!!!

Much love,

~Rachel ~



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~ Something to think About


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