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Got rice? Got ¥ ?
hello im still trying to figure out how to put pictures and work this thing

  • Melu ur the first person to visit this page!!
    "I love michu , alotu, butu, melu will always be in my heartu, and of couse bobu is awesumu! wahoo" ... i think thats it

    Hey victo good job on geting 3rd place for ur cabbageball team!! ooo leigh sarah and aysha too wow 3rd thats awesomee ....wait what?? out of 5 jk good job have fun in florida! ooo leigh sarah and aysha too cya at franklin o ya goodluck on the vollyball team too and victo be nice to ur litto brother lol

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    Hey you its summer hope ur having fun!!


    A link would go here

    Another link could be had here

    Here is where a savvy HTML LIbrary user would place another link

    A "hyper-link" could go here

    Im still trying to figure out how to put pics and links in this is confusing u should try to create a webpage

    doooolaaaaaalddddddduuuuuu duckie

    Lusher was very fun! hope franklin will be too lusher friends thanks for helping me get thurough middle school and cya at franklin "bunny buu

    Advance was the coolest!! my classs of biology was awesom ya.
    aishoooi love u "like berry loves cake" and more than paul jk
    Lizo! ur dance was ...alluring...
    patrick and charleen yall were the best family and ill add other ppl later ask me if u can

    Alex miss Margo and Rach yall are so funny tho u live really far away lol was the shopping cart fun? luv ya

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    • wuhoo
    • bobu
    • melu
    • michu

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    AH i made this!! .......nah jk someone else whose name is same as mine this is weird