Canine Form (main):

Hair Color: Dark blue Fur color: Solid White Height: 5'5 Weight: 107 lbs Build: Slender Medium Age: 17
Gender: Female Special Status: Shape shifter Other: Part Feral (doesn't look it)

Feline Form:

Hair Color: Dark blue Fur color: Solid White Height: 5'2 Weight: 97 lbs Build: Slender Small

Phoenix Form:

Feather Color: White and blue Height: 6'0 Weight: 85 lbs Build: Slender medium Other: Advanced speed in this form

Eagle Form:

Feather Color: White and blue Height: 3 feet Weight: 14 lbs Wing Span: 8 feet

Werewolf Form:

Hair Color: Dark blue Fur color: Solid White Height: 6'6 Weight: 140 lbs Build: Slender Bulky(muscles) Other: Great speed and strength increse


Dessodre was born in the arctic, at that time there was a massive war brewing that would most likey be happening in ten years or so. Her Family had been killed at birth (or so she was told) and she had been taken away and raised in the ways of combat and knight hood.

At the age of 14 she was a full knight of the kingdom of Kernichleth. The war between Kernichleth and Demontrai had begun, all knights and whom could fight were sent to the battle field. In an attempt to save a small sum of soldiers, she was captured and sent to the enemie's jail. Few others had been captured, those that hadn't were dead, or dying. The kingdom of Kernichleth had fallen, Demontrai was victorious. She and the other remaining had been sold into slavery. All of which were separated once they entered the pens. Dessodre had become very hateful and bitter, any slaver whom neared her pen was usually sent leaving faster then they had came.

After many moons a knight by the name of Silverbolt had freed her from the pens. Silvebolt was a knight of the Ice order, it was his duty to free slaves. Dessodre decided to join him in these acts, and the two worked together freeing many. During that time she had begun to fall in love with him.

While they were courting dessodre had decided to go to the room that they had been in the previous night. To her suprise and utter shock, Silverbolt was there, with another female. When silverbot had looked up and found her standing there he fled. From there she left and went to the slave pens, she had placed herself in the pen, for which reasons she knew not. Depression was the cause. Later that evening silverbolt had found her. He lied to her, saying that he only did it so the woman would free slaves. Dessodre had listened to his lies for quite some time. Finally he admitted. Another slaver whom had overheard the conversation came over. Silverbolt had begged the slaver to kill him for as he said he could not live on without Dessodre and was nothing for what he did. Silverbolt vowed that he'd never be with another female as long as he lived.

The two had gotten back together. Despite Silverbolt's vow Dessodre felt as though she couldn't trust him which drove her farther and farther apart from him. She then left and moved on.

Along her travels she came across a cave, which she thought it to be suitable to sleep in for the night. Within the centre of the cave there was a large stone, a leather scabbard was laying upon it. Seeing as it belonged to no one she unsheathed it. It was a broadsword, finely crafted. Along the sides of the sword were ancient words of an unknown language enscribed into it. Finding it to be a rather valuable item she brought it with her on her travels.

As she journyed on, she helped many unfortunates, becoming wealthy in return for her deeds. At the age of 16 her travels had ended once she came upon another kingdom. She sought out residency and became a constable there. Dessodre had made many friends within these lands. She had become friends with Carlana and Soulan both feline ferals. Since she was part feral she was able to communicate with them.

One day while out in the city Dessodre came across Runir swiftpaw , the dreaded feral hunter. Dessodre had been talking with him for quite some time. Not long after Carlana and soulan came along. After an exchangement of words carlana had attacked runir. Runir then became furious and charged at carlana. In an attempt to stop runir dess slashed her sword across runir's back, cutting a deep wound. From there Runir ran. Not long after the trio had found him. Soulan proposed peace to runir, but he refused. Runir then tried to get carlana to attack him by exposing his neck. Thinking that the feral wouldn't be able to resist this invite, but carlana did not move. Runir claimed he was going to kill carlana and soulan. Dessodre yelled at him saying she refused to let that happen. Runir then lunged at Carlana and soulan, his weapon drawn. Dessodre moved quickly, swinging her sword up to his head. She managed to cleave the side of his skull off. Even after this attack, runir lunged again at carlana. Swiftly Dessodre had attacked him from behind, stabbing a fatal blow of her sword into the back of his neck.

Secretly, Dessodre had fallen in love with the duke of kysuca. One evening while under the influence of heavy alchohol she revealed to him her feelings. At the time '//olf had been abandonned by his wife or so it seemed. His wife had not been seen or heard from in many months. He then went to queen and signed a divorce. Dessodre and '//olf Fandruzsch had both fallen in love. '//olf Fandruzsch was of pure werewolf blood. Dessodre, wanting to be more like him became interested in weres. '//olf told her of them, and dessodre had wished to be one as well. So, one night deep within the forest. Her mate had prepared a ritual to change her in a were. This required him to stab in between both their ribs to their heart. Then they held each other close so that their blood ran together, and their hearts beat as one. But what they didn't know was that this also shared all their memories with each other, entire pasts, everything, every moment of their lives. This created a huge bond between the two. The ritual was successfull. Now they both bear a small scar over their hearts. If the ritual were to have failed , it would have ended in both their deaths.

Not long after the queen's wedding dessodre and '//olf had been married.

Two months after their marrige Dessodre had given birth to two pups. Their dubbings being Saedar and tariah. The next day after the birth of her pups Dessodre went out for a walk, leaving her pups in the care of her feral friend Keedra. During her explorations she'd been attacked by a vampire. Dessodre transformed into her were form. She managed to slash at his gut.But, in the process of doing so, she aquired a wound to her side. Rage overtook her and she severed his head. After that she returned to her normal form. Returning home she hid her wound. She did not want her mate worried about her. Also Dessodre had seen Silverbolt, her old mate, and the two had become friends .

Time passed and one day while Dessodre was sitting at the arena a furre stumbled in. She said she was attacked by a feral at the gates. Thinking the feral might have been carlana , dessodre rushed to the gates. There she found carlana crumpled up on the ground in a pile of her own blood. Gently picking her up, she carried her back to her mate whom was at the arena. There was nothing they could do and sadly carlana died. From there dessodre ran from the arena. She was followed by the furre whom killed her. She appologized ,and said she only did it out of defense. Dessodre wanted to be left alone but still she followed. Stopping once again, she turned to her. The feline held a necklace of white gold, she said it was carlana's and it had been ripped off during the fight. She also said it held power that could protect one from offensive magic if worn. Since carlana was a close friend to dess. She thought that carlana would have probably wanted her to have the necklace. Dessodre then took the necklace, and set it around her neck, and then wandered off to be alone for awhile.

Long since Carlana's death dessodre has gotten over her, but the possible war between Writh and myrrath was looking as though it'd be happening soon. A plan was made, dessodre and her pups had to be believed to be dead. Her mate '//olf Fandruzsch had to appear available so he could go to writh to make a marrige proposal to the enemy queen. This required Dessodre and her pups to remain in hiding. With this plan, '//olf fandruzsch would be close enough to the queen to have a mage close enough to preform an acrt of magic. Then '//olf would convince the Queen that it was her. Magic is outlawed in writh , and so the damage would be done, which would possibly end the brewing war of myrrath and writh. Dessodre had been waiting many months for her mate to return. Living alone with only her pups for company, has begun to bother her.

After a long time of waiting, finally her husband returned and came to get her and the pups. They returned back to their home in Kysuca. Things were peacefull and good for awhile's time. Untill The Captain Serge challenged Dessodre's husband to a fight to the death. In the end Dessodre's husband killed Serge, and got away bearing a scar down the side of his face to his neck. Then shortly after he took Dessodre and the pups , including all of their belongings to Sauhterwyn to live out from myrrathian laws. This lands that they are now building a new city upon together is cold artic type lands. Though it isn't that much a problem for Dessodre considering she was born in the artic and has artic wolven blood in her, so her pelt is already beginning to grow in thicker due to the drastic tempature change.

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