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Welcome to the Official Ultra Curveball Site!!

« » Our Mission

On February 24th, 2003, Christian Brown, Noelle Brutus, and Noah Forman set forth upon a holy mission to improve the quality of games on the internet. Their prize: Ultra-Curveball. Keep following our page to find out... can our roxorous trio change the face of internet gaming? Can they meet their deadline? Is there really such a thing as a "marmut," and if so, what does it taste like? This has been Noah Forman with a message from >>Team Ultra-Curveball<<. 

« » What is Ultra Curveball?

Ulta Curveball is similar to a game of pong except that the ball is moves through a rectangular prisim and the paddles are on the top and bottom. The other twist is that because the ball moves in a prisim the ball curves as it hits the walls and the paddles. Hitting the ball with different parts of the paddle also causes the ball to bounce around. Take a look at the original curveball site by using the drop down menu above as well as looking at all the other layers of our cool site!