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Disclaimer:  I am not in any way to be held responsible for interpretations of material found on this site.  Do not attempt to overanalyze the content found here, because it is meant as amusement.  If you read too much into it, I will call you names, and mommy may not be there to protect you.  Be warned, traveler!

     Did I mention psychotic, too? Woo, we gonna have lotsa fun, mates! If you ever get that feeling, just give your local governor a call and tell him how you feel about his policies. Not a political type? Go get really drunk and pass out. It'll keep you out of trouble. Or get you into more, but that's not important right now. What is important is that you bitch, whine, and complain about all those terrible injustices plaguing your world. And all the while I will add my 2 ¢. It's a great big orgy of  tearing down reality with a toothpick. Enjoy!

You are the
tortured soul to grace this web space.

has provided the counter.

© Captain Side Stitch (that would be me, genius).  All materials on this site are under copyright, so do not remove ANYTHING without first getting permission.  Background found at  Email me, you sorry ass excuse for a homo sapien; that is, if you can formulate any suggestive thoughts in your miniscule brain.